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Does being a Vegan retard one ?

A Fruitarian was reported to of chucked himself under a train a decade or so ago .

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    so thousands of people have committed suicide in the last decade or so but because ONE was a fruitarian it must have been because of being vegan? In the last 15 years I can think of 6 cases of suicide by train in ONE SINGLE CITY off the top of my head where I live. And a couple of trainline shutdowns where they wouldn't tell me why the trains weren't running. Reportedly none were vegan.

  • 7 years ago

    You seem to be trying to mock the intelligence (or lack thereof) of others. However, I find your question to be incomprehensible, ignorant and immature.

    Perhaps you should do some basic research (including basic composition skills) before attempting to ask a question. Though in your case, attempting to mock.

    However, I do enjoy starting my day with a good chuckle. Thank you.

    ETA: I suppose by "retard" you could mean "retain". However, that would still make your inquiry incomprehensible as I am unclear as to what a vegan would be retaining. I am also unclear of the correlation between a vegan retaining something or someone and a fruitarian supposedly throwing himself under a train.

    (If my sentences are too complex or I used too many multi-syllable words, I make no apologies. I refuse to water down my style of speaking to others. By doing so, I insult my own intelligence and I do not care to do that.)

  • lo_mcg
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Neither vegan nor fruitarian is a proper noun; neither requires a capital letter.

    'to of chucked' - you mean 'to HAVE chucked'.

    A fruitarian is not the same thing as a vegan.

    Grammar, punctuation and vocabulary aside, you are confusing causation and correlation - a common mistake among people with little imagination and no critical thinking skills.

    You are, I assume (it's difficult to tell), suggesting that the diet of the person in your unsubstantiated anecdote caused his progress, development or accomplishment to be held back or delayed. And that this delay somehow led him to commit, or attempt to commit (you don't give any details) suicide by jumping into the path of an oncoming train, intending that the impact would kill him.

    Have I got that right?

    All railway suicides and attempted suicides are the result of developmental delay; all those committing or attempting to commit suicide on the railway are vegans and/or fruitarians?

    Provide the evidence, please.

    @Daisy - Oh dear, is there no bastion of quackery you won't trawl - and quote - in your campaign to discredit vegans? 'Actual research' indeed! Take a look at - just to pick one example - the discredited drivel that website spouts about cancer and so-called 'alternative' healing.

    EDIT: Daisy, has YOUR brain registered the fact that you have linked to the same article twice?

    Tell you what - give the cancer section of a miss - a small amount of knowledge of the subject is probably required to understand the extent of its quackery and woo.

    Instead - and I fully expect to see you linking to this soon - turn to their unanswerable argument against vegetarianism: 'God instructs Man to eat meat'. No need to thank me...

  • 7 years ago

    Fruitarian is a lot different than vegan. This is kinda the pot calling the kettle black.

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  • 7 years ago

    You better hope so. That way if you decide to go vegan you're guaranteed to at least double current intellectual capacity.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    There are platny of retards in the world, whether they're vegan, carnivors, muslims, jews, black, white, etc. Does that mean that muslims & white people retards as well?

    Guess you know the answer...

  • 7 years ago

    No! Why cant' you meat eaters stop spamming our section! Maybe chuck your selfs under the train!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Well, we do know (actual research) that vegetarians have smaller brains than meat eaters. See links.

    Since veganism is an even more restrictive diet, and it is our large brain that sets us above other animals, I think you could build a case.

    ADDED: both of the websites I linked to reference the actual research. I guess if your brain has shrunk, you missed that?

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