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Lv 4

Were our ancestors monkeys?

Apparently we are apes and apes descended from new world monkeys. That means our ancestors were monkeys.

If apes are not descended from monkeys where are they descended from?

14 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I mean, "new world monkeys" did not look exactly like modern monkeys, and gorillas/chimps/bonobos/humans/etc are all equally evolved from the older group. But yes, technically if you go back further than the great apes, the DNA and fossils show us that you will hit a bunch of ancient primates that are called old world monkeys.

    And of course, it doesn't mean modern monkeys are going to evolve into humans or anything. It's just what they are called by biologists.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Primates are mammals that include lemurs, monkeys, apes and humans.

    The Strepsirrhini, or “wet-nosed” primates, which include lemurs and lorises, branched off around 63 million years ago.

    Old World monkeys and apes divided from New World monkeys about 40 million years ago.

    Aegyptopithecus zeuxis, which probably resembles the common ancestor of New World monkeys and apes, lived about 29 million years ago.

    The apes split from Old World monkeys about 25 million years ago.

    Humans and chimpanzees diverged 5-7 million years ago.

    Of the macaque's nearly 3 billion DNA base pairs, 93.5 per cent are identical to those in the human genome. This is not unexpected for a species whose lineage diverged from our own about 25 million years ago. The human and chimp genomes, which diverged just 6 million years ago, are about 98 per cent identical but the Bonobo monkey has 98.2 per cent making it mans closest living relative.

    One puzzling discovery is that several mutations that cause genetic diseases in humans - such as phenylketonuria and Sanfilippo syndrome, which lead to mental retardation - are the normal form in macaques and, presumably, our own ancestors.

    So on each split the original got left behind to stay as it was!

    The first true hominid has been shown to almost certainly arrived in the Great Rift Valley but as a product of evolving from it's monkey and ape ancestry!

    Australopithecus sideba is later than Australopithecus africanus, and shares many features with early Homo. So it is, if you must, the missing link between Australopithecus africanus and Homo habilis.

    In many ways trying to deny these facts is worse than the creationinsts fantasies!

    Both show a desire to ignore the truth!

  • 7 years ago

    What sort of monkeys did they come from? No wonder many still behave like apes!

  • 7 years ago

    As long as you are not confusing modern types of monkeys with the monkeys you are referring to in your question, then yes, we descended from an ancient very basal type of monkey.

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  • Tom
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    NO, monkeys and apes BRANCHED OFF from the line that would eventually become humans,==when God gave the word.

    Source(s): Geologist, Methosist
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You do know you're in a *Religion an Spirituality* section, right?

    Not Science? ...okay just checkin m8.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    No. Science does NOT say we descended from "monkeys". Get educated. Read a book or two. Believe it or not, education is good for you.

  • Tim M
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I beg your pardon but my Irish ancestors were not monkeys.

  • 7 years ago

    no they were never moneys or apes or we never shared a common ancestor

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