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Approaching a woman in the street?


OK I know this may sound strange me asking this and I understand that I may sound like some kinda weirdo or whatever and this is something I'd never do but I was queuing up in a shop and a saw a really beautiful woman that I was just immediately attracted too who was standing in front of me and I loved everything I saw about this woman. Before I go any further with this I'm not the kinda guy that goes for skinny blond "glamorous" bimbos. I like my woman big with meat on their bones and this is exactly what this woman had everything I like in terms of looks.

I so wanted to approach this woman and tell her how I felt about her. Well anyway as I left the shop we were then standing at the traffic lights waiting to cross the road and I could see her eying me up and I wasn't expecting that to happen, I totally lost my bottle to say something to her. I ended up looking the other way like an idiot because I was just not expecting it. I really wish I had asked her for her number or something.

What does everybody else think I should have done?

Should I have approached her?

I feel like I've just missed my opportunity of finding "the one"

Encase I see her again how should I approach her without coming over as a weirdo because I feel like a weirdo telling a woman that I don't know that I like her?

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was doing business in a Title Office when a female staff member entered in tears.

    She was the immediate focus of all personnel. I understood her to say somebody

    had just incorrectly addressed her outside the place of employment. A description

    was obtained. A large body of genders then rushed outside. They all immediately

    detained a suspect. This was a recent arrival from another part of our Nation. I was

    able to hear his explanation. Hitting on women involved something very much like

    foreplay in rough sex from his prior urban environment. Posse comments made it

    very clear he was someplace elsewhere entirely. Law enforcement issued a Battery

    citation. Bottom line: Reader is taking sexual advice from everyone on the planet.

  • 7 years ago

    YES. You should have made the approach. Fail or Succeed is better than the regret you are having right now. She doesn't know anything about you and visa versa. Personalities vary. What you could say or should say, should be flattering and complimentary.

    (1) You: "You're a heart breaker, aren't you? I can tell, cuz you're making me nervous to talk to you."

    Them: "Then why are you talking to me?"

    You: "Because my friends tell me it's okay to be afraid, just don't let your fear control you. So I'm right… Right? You're a HeartBreaker?"

    (2) I realize you are probably tired of hearing how attractive you are from total strangers, but you really are. I'm sorry I'm a stranger, but guilty of thinking you are very attractive.

    (3) Your Beauty makes me feel like the Beast, but I like the way you make me feel.

    These are ways to put a smile on her face. Smiles make a relaxing atmosphere real quick. Compliments make a person feel special and forget about rejection. An unexpected approach with a Smile, a Greeting and a Compliment, usually WINS the War before the first Battle is fought. Go get her.

  • 7 years ago

    Okay, clearly you have emphasized that you don't want to come on as a weirdo and from a woman's point of view, we don't want you to come off as a weirdo either. However, getting approached is a nice gesture. It shows that you are confident enough to go speak to her and also helps her feel a little more confident about herself by making her feel noticed. Yes, you should have approached her, but it's okay. Plenty of people do this. There's guys that I wish I had approached. In any case the best way to not come on too strong is to start off simple.

    Just say hello and ask how she is. Start with a little small talk and if she's in a rush or if you are then you can slip in a little, "You seem like you're in a rush right now, but I'd like to...insert here(i.e. grab a coffee, talk again some time, ect.). Is there any way I can get your number?" Don't be terrified. The worst thing that could happen is she says no, you say ok, thanks anyway, great chatting with you and then move on. Just remember to start off simple but still slip in the number or meet up question before you split ways.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Now, from my "vast" experience...

    First of all, you do need to understand that my experience goes... well, 30 - 40 years ago!...

    Now, I would never just say hi and ask for the telephone number or stuff!...

    You need to be polite, to excuse yourself for doing this, and... asking the lady to accompany you to a terrace, a stroll in the park, or whatever "feels" appropriate!...

    A phone number, or some other stuff, just gives her enough time to "sense" that your action has been "inappropriate"!...

    She will surely reject you!...

    Try to do your best to convince her to join you right there and then!...

    Behave like a real gentleman, and, in case she refuses you, please remember that what you've tried to do was... "inappropriate"!...

    Forget it!

    On the other hand, if she agrees, then remember to be a real gentleman!

    At the end of the meeting/date, simply tell her that you are still under the influence of the "amazement" produced by your courage to have approached her!...

    Exchange phone numbers, or stuff, but... best is to agree for a date!

    The next day, or, latest, by the end of the week!

    If she "complies", then, just to be safe, do go and buy some condoms, just in case...

    Anyway, you surely are on the "right track"!

    Ftrom my experience, I've never been disappointed! LOL!!!

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  • 7 years ago

    If you see her again, i would.

    Make sure you start a bit of a conversation and don't just ask for her number like that.

    Approach her, maybe say something like "Wow, what a coincidence i see you again, i noticed you in the store the other day and i think you're beautiful"

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    what did she look like? maybe post it in some missed connection section

    or go there again? if you see someone you like smile and say hi if she smiles and doesn't look disgusted say how are you if she continues talking then she likes you and you can ask for number or give yours

  • 7 years ago

    You are not a weirdo and I think that is kind of sweet. Remember the time and day you went to the shop and go back there. You may just run into her. If you do, then just walk up and introduce yourself. Women appreciate that kind of thing. Just don't be hanging around the shop with flowers and balloons, then you would really look like a weirdo/stalker. Good luck!

  • 7 years ago

    If a guy I didnt know approached me in the street and asked for my number I'd tell him to get lost. It is weird. If you see her again just say "hi" or make a comment about the weather. Its innocuous and if she likes you back then she'll start up a conversation.

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