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Lv 1177 points

Ivan Dobsky

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  • Varnish for lino?

    Hi I know this may sound like an odd question but what is the best "clear" varnish to paint over lino?

    I have lino that is suppose to resemble wood flooring but it looks terrible and fake and I want to paint some oak wood effect paint over it to darken it up but the only problem is that it would ware off very quickly so I will need a good clear varnish to put over it to protect it. I understand that it would be easier to tear it up and replace it with new flooring but I can't afford it so I'm trying to do this the cheapest possible way.


    1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)7 years ago
  • How much gain would a VHF dipole have?

    How much gain would a VHF quarter wave dipole have? I'll be making this dipole for 144-146 MHz witch will be vertically polarized for FM mode and will go outside just above the roof line.

    How much gain would this have?

    3 AnswersEngineering7 years ago
  • Fed up of looking gay?

    Hi I have feminine looks witch I can't help and hate. I find it hard to put on wight or get muscles and I have pale skin with long eye lashes and feminine looking lips and a doll face. I absolutely hate it because I look gay. Women don't even give me a second look and are always going for other guys around me, occasionally I'd get looks from dirty old men witch makes me just wanna punch them when I do. I don't have any hairs on my chest and when I tried to grow a bread it just looks like I got pubic hair on my face. I can't grow a bread or anything so I have to shave because my facial hair doesn’t grow very well and looks crap. I'm fed up with people telling me that I look gay or people looking at me like I'm gay. I am not gay and have always been attracted to women, I'm about as straight as you can get. What can I do to improve the way I look?

    I'm always getting called doll face

    Some woman have told me that I'm good looking or what ever but none of the women who have said that to me have wanted to date me?

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • How do I get from London to Stone Henge?

    Hi I want to goto Stone Henge & I'll be coming from London. I know I can get the train but I don't want to go by train because its expensive. I would like to go by bus.

    Is there a bus that goes to Stone Henge from High Wycombe? or close to it?

    2 AnswersLondon7 years ago
  • My girlfriend wants to get pregnant?

    Hi to cut this a long story short. I have been with my girlfriend for 3 weeks and we both really like each other but there is a problem. My girlfriend wants me to get her pregnant but I don't want to get her pregnant because its too soon.

    So here is my question. Are there any pills that can get to make me infertile like the morning after pills that woman take?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • UK/US Shoe sizes?

    Hi there I'm hoping somebody can help me out here.

    After spending time in the US I grew very fond of American style clothing and shoes.

    Well I've now been back in the UK for a while now and my US shoes have worn out and I want to buy some new ones that are similar to the ones I had.

    UK Shoes/trainers seem to be narrow and long

    US Shoes/trainers are wide and more rounded

    Where can I find proper US wide sized shoes in London?

    I have been to a few US stores here in London like Skechers and Oakley I didn't find what I was looking for, so what I was wondering, have the shoes shape here been changed for the European market?

    I just want normal US sized shoes that haven't been messed with to suit the European "fit"

    I hope somebody knows what I'm talking about.

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • How do I talk to a woman that I like?

    There is this woman who I find to be really amazing and very good looking however there is a slight age gap between us, she is 22 and I'm 29 : /

    She is very successful with a good carer and I'm just an electrical engineer witch doesn't really appeal to most.

    She is an American lady who lives here in the UK and she has agreed to meet me for a friendly drink witch I wasn't expecting, however I'm really scared now that I'm going to totally mess things up by either boring her to death or saying the wrong things. I have a habit of being uninteresting and my life isn't really that exciting. I know there is a very small chance that she is interested in me otherwise she wouldn't have offered to meet me. Most American women here wouldn't give me the time of day let alone anything else so I really want to give this a try and see what happens although I'm not expecting much but at the same time I can't just assume things or tar all women with the same brush.

    How do I talk to her without sounding too keen or clingy or interrogating?

    I want to ask her when and where she wants to meet but before I do, I need to talk with her more first.

    What would be good conversation ideas?

    What are typical things that men say witch is a big no no?

    I understand that this is just a "friendly drink" and "not a date" but I want to try my best to make a good impression so that if nothing becomes of it, then at least I can walk away knowing that I've tried.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Why are people so stupid in today’s society?

    I'm starting to lose my faith with humanity in today’s society.

    The intellect of the majority of people I'm seeing now days is insane. I'm really hating this society where everybody follows each other around like sheep unable to think freely for themselves or make up there own minds what they like or do, including having no interesting hobbies, and having no common sense, using 'broken English' words like "simples" the word is "Simple" and NOT "Simples" I can not stand that word. It is not funny it doesn’t mean people sound cool & quirky it just indicates that person has no originality what so ever. and those other broken English words like "My bad" and so on.

    Americanism like Awesome being over used and other "cool" American words people here love to use.

    The other thing that drives me crazy is that when people say its cheaper to shop in Iceland and buy frozen junk food because they don't have the intellect to cook a simple meal from real ingredients. Even the Iceland advert is aimed at chav mums. Iceland is NOT cheap. I learnt to cook when I was 14 for crying out loud.

    Propaganda from the media to work in favour for the Tory government people actually fall for that rubbish like Benefits Street just insights hate crime and discrimination against the sick/disabled and the elderly. I that the Tory government will get plenty more votes this time seeing that its so easy to control a nation of highly stupid people. Just saying

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • Hiking Camping and survival?

    Hi I'm planning on going camping & hiking in Yorkshire UK. I've not done this before and want to set myself a challenge by going out into the wilderness for a few days or more to do hiking & camping. I do not know Yorkshire very well at all.

    Can anybody recommend what I should take with me? I bought some US Army boots from ebay so I'm looking forward to trying those out.

    Here is my list so far:

    First Aid Kit

    Camping Knife

    Shoes laces or string

    Life Straw

    Walking Boots


    Hand-held Radio Transceiver

    Some light food items

    Bar of soap

    Small towel

    Toilet roll

    Cooking pot


    Is this enough stuff to take with me or do I need more?

    I want to go somewhere, where there is running water and somewhere I can set up a camp fire.

    There is also an issue about having a camping knife on me?

    I understand that its a criminal offense to carry a knife. What are the regulations about campers with knifes?

    Are there any acceptations to campers?

    Is their some kinda document I'd need to get or something?

    A knife is a very important survival tool when out in the wilderness.

    Can anybody help me out here?


    10 AnswersCamping7 years ago
  • Could Linux be a big threat to Microsoft?

    Most people who know about other alternatives to Micro$haft know that Windows is total crap & the fact you have to pay for such rubbish is insane.

    I think Windows is old and past it, it should have stayed in the 90's unless they can bring out something decent witch they haven't since Windows 2000. Viruses, spyware bloatware etc etc and forever repairing problems rather then getting any work done. Then there are those license keys, system crashes and having to re-install Windows again and then needing another license key $$$ Who really needs this? MS-Office is crap too.

    Unfortunately not many people know about Linux witch is why they still use Windows.

    Ubuntu Linux is becoming very popular and slowly working its way into common society, people are starting to wise up.

    I know Linux isn't perfect but then again nothing will be. I've been using Ubuntu since 2008 and have never gone back. There are thousands of other Linux OS's out there and Ubuntu is the one that works for me. I also use Lubuntu on my old laptop from 2003 witch works pretty well just like a modern laptop.

    Ubuntu 12.04 is the most commonly used there are some smalls bugs that need to be fixed but nothing major. Linux works virus & spyware free & much more secure then Windows could ever be and its free and so much faster then Windows could ever be.

    Could Linux be a big threat to Microsoft?

    10 AnswersProgramming & Design7 years ago
  • Is there a way to get American TV in the UK?


    Is there a way to get American TV in the UK? I understand that it would be impossible to pick up the satellites such as "DirectTV" & "DishNetwork" in the UK so I was wondering if there was some kinda Internet streaming site so I watch those services.

    I'm going to be plugging a computer into my TV. I also know about AT&T U-verse just wondering if I could get something like that via the Internet?

    I don't want anything that comes in bits or clips, I want real live TV with the adverts included.

    Please don't say download netflex.

    Any body have any ideas?

    3 AnswersOther - Computers7 years ago
  • I'm a recluse BBC says only old people are?

    Hi there.

    I came across a thread on the BBC news site about the fact that only elderly people become recluses here in Britain.

    This kinda infuriated me because this not true at all.

    I'm a young person and I became a recluse at the age of 20. I did not set out to become a recluse it just happened naturally. I had dreams and just wanted to live a normal life. When I moved into my first flat I got myself a job as an electrician and had hopes of meeting a nice woman but that soon died when I discovered I was just not what a women is looking for. I was bullied at work by people and I just felt like rubbish I got depressed and suicidal and after a while I quit my job as I no longer wanted to feel this way so I thought is was best that I stay at home away from people.

    I have no family I grew up in foster care. I soon lost all the friends I had and never got to make any new ones. So now I have no friends at all. People don't want to hang out with me.

    I did a foundation course a while ago for Amateur Radio and passed and got my license, I thought that Ham Radio would help me talk to people and also make some friends, although I made some contacts I never really made any friends, instead I got the impression that they really wasn't interested in talking to me. I even joined the RSGB

    Well anyway the only time I really go out is when I do my grocery shopping or sometimes I'd go for a walk in the woods late at night and thats it.

    I have thought about things that I can do but there is nothing. I wanna go to the pub but I have nobody to go with and I'm not going to sit there on my own in a pub. Going for walks is about all I can really think of.

    I spend the weekends on my own on the Internet talking to American women and thats pretty much my weekend, a few beers and the Internet.

    What can I do?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • Computer shutting down after 2 minutes?

    Hi. I've been working on a desktop computer and it has a Gigabyte Motherboard installed.

    Here is what happens. When I switch on the computer, all the fans on the motherboard will spin extremely fast, I'll get a quick image on the monitor before the computer then turns itself off.

    Could this be a motherboard fault or a power supply fault?

    I have tested the Ram and that was fine.

    The computer was put away a few years ago because it was not needed at the time. The computer was bought in 2009 and was in perfect working order when last used?

    I have ordered a new power supply just encase it is the power supply at fault.

    If the motherboard is faulty I will have to junk the computer as motherboards are expensive. I could buy a refurbished computer cheaper then what it would cost me for a new motherboard.

    Are there any jumpers on the motherboard I could change around or perhaps the processor might be at fault?

    What do people think?

    4 AnswersDesktops7 years ago
  • Approaching a woman in the street?


    OK I know this may sound strange me asking this and I understand that I may sound like some kinda weirdo or whatever and this is something I'd never do but I was queuing up in a shop and a saw a really beautiful woman that I was just immediately attracted too who was standing in front of me and I loved everything I saw about this woman. Before I go any further with this I'm not the kinda guy that goes for skinny blond "glamorous" bimbos. I like my woman big with meat on their bones and this is exactly what this woman had everything I like in terms of looks.

    I so wanted to approach this woman and tell her how I felt about her. Well anyway as I left the shop we were then standing at the traffic lights waiting to cross the road and I could see her eying me up and I wasn't expecting that to happen, I totally lost my bottle to say something to her. I ended up looking the other way like an idiot because I was just not expecting it. I really wish I had asked her for her number or something.

    What does everybody else think I should have done?

    Should I have approached her?

    I feel like I've just missed my opportunity of finding "the one"

    Encase I see her again how should I approach her without coming over as a weirdo because I feel like a weirdo telling a woman that I don't know that I like her?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Whats the best Linux OS?

    Hi I'm fed up with Windows 7 or any micro$oft crap for that matter. I'm always having to remove Bing from my system and registry cleaner, the usual crap. I'm also getting fed up with the hard drive constantly grunding away. I can't imagine how much ware that's putting on my hard drive. Not to mention the endless updates.

    I think its about time I wiped Windows off my hard drive. I've only had it for 5 days...

    My computer has a due core processor and 4 gigs of Ram. I also have a gaming graphics card

    I'm looking for a good Linux OS "Not Ubuntu" anything else I'll be happy with. My computer is a 32 bit system.

    I want something that will run my graphics card and something light. I don't know if there are any Linux OS that will run any Windows software but that would be a bonus.

    So I'm looking for a decent secure reliable 32 bit Linux OS that has good hardware support.

    Many thanks.

    9 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • Toshiba laptop with Windows 7 issues?

    Hi. I have an old Toshiba Tecra S1 laptop witch in theory should be suitable to run Windows 7.

    It has a Centrino 1.3GHz processor.

    I have maxed it out with 2 GB of Ram.

    I have also replaced the hard drive with an 80GB hard drive.

    The graphics processor is AGP 4x - ATI Mobility Radeon 9000 - 32.0 MB DDR SDRAM

    So the graphics is low for Windows 7 but shouldn't be to much of a problem if I'm just going to be using the laptop for basic tasks. If I can change the video SD Ram from 32 MB to 256 MB then that would be excellent, I might push it and see if 512 MB video SD ram will work on it.

    I have installed Windows 7 to this laptop witch took about 30 minutes to install witch I thought was pretty good for an old laptop.

    The issues I am having is that none of my hardware is installed I am missing all the drivers.

    I have no sound

    No WiFi

    No Bluetooth

    No Chip set

    This laptop originally had Windows XP so all the hardware was supported by Windows XP and from what I understand XP drivers should run under Windows 7. Windows 7 also has XP mode?

    I have not used Windows 7 before as I'm use to using Mac/Linux.

    Is there a way I can somehow update or get Windows 7 to locate all the drivers I need via the internet through some kinda update? I'm not sure how it works on Windows 7 or what I have to do?

    Any help would be appreciated


    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks7 years ago
  • Witch Windows OS is best?

    Hi I'm just wondering what Windows OS is the best?

    My computer has a due core processor with 2 gigs of ram running Windows XP 500GB hard drive not sure what the graphics card is though.

    I also have a Windows 7 installation disk for when support runs out for Windows XP.

    I'm thinking about getting another computer as a back up witch I'd like to have Windows 8 running on it. I'm thinking about something that has 4GB to 8GB of ram with a 5GHz processor or better and a good graphics card to run Windows 8 without problems.

    Windows XP

    Windows 7

    Windows 8

    Witch one is best?

    When does support for Windows XP end?

    7 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • Computer problem Windows XP?

    Hi. I'm using Windows XP and FireFox as my web browser.

    When I set my homepage to "Google" it keeps on changing to "bing" witch is really irritating. I would like Google to stay as my home page.

    How do I get rid of bing?

    How do I keep my home page as Google?


    4 AnswersDesktops7 years ago