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Why are people so stupid in today’s society?

I'm starting to lose my faith with humanity in today’s society.

The intellect of the majority of people I'm seeing now days is insane. I'm really hating this society where everybody follows each other around like sheep unable to think freely for themselves or make up there own minds what they like or do, including having no interesting hobbies, and having no common sense, using 'broken English' words like "simples" the word is "Simple" and NOT "Simples" I can not stand that word. It is not funny it doesn’t mean people sound cool & quirky it just indicates that person has no originality what so ever. and those other broken English words like "My bad" and so on.

Americanism like Awesome being over used and other "cool" American words people here love to use.

The other thing that drives me crazy is that when people say its cheaper to shop in Iceland and buy frozen junk food because they don't have the intellect to cook a simple meal from real ingredients. Even the Iceland advert is aimed at chav mums. Iceland is NOT cheap. I learnt to cook when I was 14 for crying out loud.

Propaganda from the media to work in favour for the Tory government people actually fall for that rubbish like Benefits Street just insights hate crime and discrimination against the sick/disabled and the elderly. I that the Tory government will get plenty more votes this time seeing that its so easy to control a nation of highly stupid people. Just saying

5 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Our society is making stupid, ignorant, lazy people "Cool" to children and young adults. It's the "Dummying Down Of America!" Politicians are in on it too. Listen to their speeches. They talk about a "New World Order" (Sounds a little like Hitler?) I have seen a marked increase in illogical behavior over the last 15 yrs with each year getting worse! Look at our government! We should all be really pissed that the whole country is working its butt off but, are up to their ears in poverty or dept while there has been serious abuses to bring down poor and middle class people while creating a 2% High Archy of the wealthiest people on the planet! Oh, yeah. It's beginning to look like the movie: Time Machine. Before you know it, we will be the dumb sheep and slaves to the filthy rich. If we're not turned into food?....

  • 7 years ago

    there's nothing wrong with iceland !!! it has it's niche

    i find it hard how anyone could do a full shop in it ... but some of the products are good value for money

    the bacon is £1 a pack , and they don't even weight it .... for that pound i sometimes get as much 10-14 slices in it ...300% cheaper than sainsburys

    they also do sliced ham ,turkey,pork and beef ( off cuts in a pack ) for £1.75 wouldn't get that any where else

    the rest of the stuff ok , it's all frozen .... but sometimes when i get home , i can't be bothered to cook or i want to have a FAT day .... i will take a pizza out of the freezer , go up get changed and then come down and it's done ...convenience food does have it's place is society you like it or not ( but you couldn't like on it )

    as for young kids using , stupid words .... this is part of the rebellious growing up stage happens

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    What makes you think that this is a new thing? You think people didn't follow the trends 50 years ago? In Victorian England women died from things like corsets and face powder, but they still wore them. People go with the herd, they always have.

    As for broken English showing no originality, wouldn't you say regular English is the same? Speaking English isn't original either. People aren't original. Slang isn't new. You just sound curmudgeonly for not liking this generations slang.

    I learned to cook when I was eight, I was lucky enough to have someone to teach me. You were also lucky to be able to learn, not everybody is. Why should it bother you what they eat? It probably is cheaper to eat junk than homemade, I know it is in America.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    I'm with you all the way. Dumbness seems to be contagious.

    As for the government.. Perhaps they will gain more votes and perhaps they won't. To be honest, I think it makes no difference which of the suits we have 'controlling' us. The country has gone to pot. It's depressing, this Jeremy Vile fodder culture that surrounds us. It's so depressing I can't even pollute my mind with it any longer - makes me want to commit suicide.

    It would be wonderful to make a difference - but who is ever going to listen to 'real' people like us. It's messed up too badly.

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  • 7 years ago

    Personally, from the people at my school, probably because they do drugs and smoke weed and that stuff. They kill brain cells, white blood cells and other things. Brain cells isn't replaceable. So.. yeah

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