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Favorite Answers22%
  • Nick from corrie?

    Is it just me, or does he literally do anyone elses head in. I can't even look at him these days. His voice, his face, just everything about him drives me nuts. That pained expression and pathetic attempts at 'nastiness' omg, what an absolute @rse. The sarcasm and hauteur attitude is getting more than I can bear. Similar views, anyone??

    11 AnswersSoap Operas7 years ago
  • Question about fridge temperature dials?

    This may seem like a ridiculous question - My fridge is an old one, so trying to locate a user manual is impossible. I've tried. Question is - the gauge goes from 1 - 6. With all this heat we've been having, I want to maximize the coldness of my fridge contents. I've been thinking on the theory that 1 is warmest and 6 is coldest - right? wrong? Is it the other way round? With it being a chilling appliance, I wouldv'e thought to turn it 'up' would be to turn the temperature down? Like with ovens obviously the temperature is the temperature, and you turn it up to get it hotter... how the hell do fridge gauges work?!?!?!

    Thanks in advance.

    Oh, and I have altered the dial from 6 to 4 but I really can't tell the difference.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • What food do you crave after a skinfull?

    Whenever I used to get wasted I'd often mega crave a load if rubbish the day after. Greasy fry-ups that sort of thing.

    What food or drink do you want a load of after a bender?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Cat in labour - please answer quickly!!!?

    Hi guys - I've had great answers in the past from members here, please help.... My cat is due to have her kittens, like now. I awoke earlier to her yowling and for the past few days - 4/5 she's had a non smelling discharge from her vagina, also she has been spotting blood. Now I had an idea that one of the kittens had died inside her. I was right. She chose her nest early this morning, and after some contractions (I sat with her because she was following me every time I left the room) she produced a dead kitten half out of it's sac. It had obviously drowned in it's own fluid. My queen had a quick sniff and lick, then rejected the baby. I've disposed of it, and now she's refusing to go back to the nest. Is this normal? She's had a litter before and is a fab mum. I don't know whether or not to remove the blanket she had it on and let her find another nest? What's the best thing to do? She's absolutely fine and being very very clingy. I know this sounds ridiculous, but would she be confused because she thinks she should be nursing?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated quickly, as these kittens are coming today. Any minute.

    And please no lectures on getting her neutered, she's having these kittens purposely. And she's already booked in to be spayed, so please spare the 'responsibility' card.

    Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • Why won't java work?

    Someone please suggest anything that could help me - yes I've got the latest version, I've tried it in several different browsers - I've uninstalled and reinstalled, I've checked my firewalls and all the obvious - I have even adjusted the security to medium as opposed to the recommended.. Nothing is working.. It's driving me nuts. I was using it as usual on Thursday and just suddenly it won't work. If anyone has any useful suggestions, I'd be very grateful. Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design7 years ago
  • Was anybody else disappointed with '12 years a slave?'?

    I watched it a few nights ago, expecting it to weigh heavily on my mind for a good while - I was hoping it would be emotional and thought provoking. But it just wasn't. I am aware it's based on a true story, and yes of course it's appalling what happened to these poor people - but it just didn't do it for me. The ending for example... as we as the viewer weren't acquainted with Solomon's family or his relationships within, I feel we were robbed of a potentially tear jerking end.

    Don't get me wrong - the cast were wonderful, but the story wasn't told as well as it could have been .. IMO - does anybody else agree??

    3 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • Where have my health bars gone?

    Hello, well - until recently whenever I searched the web, I'd get those green health bars after each result, which varied between green, orange/yellow, and red obviously for sites with a poor reputation - Well - they've gone?? I use avast and firefox mainly, and I am just wondering why they seem to have disappeared.

    I really miss seeing those little green bars, they made me feel safe! I did not have a trial for a different antivirus which has expired just in case anyone suggests so.. How can I get it so that they appear again?

    Thank you in advance for any helpful replies.

    2 AnswersOther - Internet7 years ago
  • How do you send members messages?

    I can't for the life of me figure out how to send messages to users...... I've only ever replied to ones which I have received... Please tell me how to someone... thanks in advance ;-)

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Question for atheists (me included)...?

    I just got thinking... About Christmas and the farce it really is.

    I'm not religious. I do not believe in God. But I am going to my friends mothers on the 25th, where there will be a tree and presents, and dinner and all the rest it.

    My home is the same as it always is. I don't celebrate Christmas. But how many other atheists have decorated their homes and bought their children presents and done the shopping for dinner and all that malarky.

    Atheism comes up a lot on Y!A and I'm curious to know how many bona fide non believers out there are all prepared to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ??

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • I can't help thinking how...insignificant it all is?

    I sometimes wander off into a dream world and really get thinking about life, and what it really means. In the grand scheme of things, we really are miniscule as humans.

    Nobody knows how big the universe is, we're merely a grain of sand in the Sahara.

    Also, I think about how long we're due to inhabit the planet for - how the Earth was before us humans came along and polluted it, and continue to destroy it with our obsession for power and greed. But then I sometimes think that with the way we develop technology, we are destined for great things as humans.

    People die every day, and I just feel that - if I died tomorrow, what a waste of time it's all been. But if that amounts to ambition, does that make me greedy too - for knowledge maybe - but really, what is the point of life? I'd love to hear some intelligent peoples theories..

    8 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • How does this make sense?

    I'm unsure what contacts have to do with violations?? My name says it all - does that mean that once you've got followers they can report your answers... I know that anyone can flag up inappropriate answers, but after reading this girls question, I just want someone to explain how it works please?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Interesting? Why is this??

    How is it, that twice now I have had violations for simply answering questions certainly not rudely or I think inappropriately.. so the YA! community obviously listens to idiots whom dislike what they read in an answer - yet - there's countless stalwart YA! users threatening to quit (and several that have) because of this dreadful new format, yet nothing is done about this? Is it just a case of letting us all venture off elsewhere and gradually filtering in a new generation of YA! users that know no different. Curious.. I've just read the feedback page, and there's more than a few disgruntled members. Why do Yahoo not listen to them/us, yet they listen to a couple of idiots that dislike a particular answer that is in no way offensive?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Where can you see how many points you've earned?

    I really miss being able to see how many points I have or have not earnt when I sign in to answers. On the old version when you logged in it would tell you either thanks for visiting 1 point - or your answer was picked as best - x amount of points - there isn't any of that any more - so short of memorising your score every time you log out, is there another way to see your recent scores? I really miss the old YA! Navigation is really cumbersome on this format. Or am I just being dumb?

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Reincarnation/Afterlife?

    Hi guys, bear with me (I hate long questions so will try to be as brief as possible)

    I have an open mind. I sometimes strongly believe that our souls inhabit various vessels and we therefore are indeed reincarnated. I thoroughly believe that I have been here before for lots of reasons. But then I watch/read things that are directed at spirits communicating from over the ether, and it makes me wonder.. if there is 'something' after we die - it can't be both can it? If our souls immerse into another life, how can we then communicate via mediums to physical lifeforms?

    Of course there is the 'nothing' option, and we do in fact die, and that's that - which I sometimes get my head around and believe until something substantial comes along and changes my mind.

    This question is directed at like minded people, so if you're just going to tell me to grow up and get a life - don't bother. I'm just curious as to other peoples thoughts and ideas about what happens to us when we die.

    At the moment I believe that when the lights go out that's it, but I know this mindset won't last for long.. I actually did a ouija board in my youth and I know what happened.. so actually, there's got to be something??? Anybody got any input?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Is there a way to permanently set my answers options to UK & Ireland?

    Sometimes I only get the option of 'All English Questions' which obviously includes all the American ones too. I don't want them. And every time I click back to the home page I have to alter my settings again, and the UK & Ireland option is not always there. Am I being totally thick? Is there a way to permanently set my answers page to what I want? Thanks in advance guys.... I asked yesterday and noone answered :-(

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Why do my options on answers sometimes produce UK & Ireland and sometimes not?

    You know where you select 'all English questions' or 'UK & Ireland' ect... Mine isn't giving me the option of UK today, it often does this. I'm not interested in American q's (no offence) I just want my usual UK & Ireland homepage..........Anyone know how to sort this?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Politics compulsary education?

    If I am honest, I have just the last few years taken an interest in the suits that are supposed to 'run' our country. But having asked around my locals, the majority of our future generation don't even know who the prime minister is.

    I can't help getting really mad when I watch these political television shows, and listen to these members of parlaiment preaching to us how we are supposed to be living our lives in the UK, when the common person just has absolutely no say at all. We are supposed to be a democracy, but our 'system' is a joke. I'm angry at this accusation from the government that people on benefits are responsible for the economy being in the shape it's been in recently. I'm not on benefits, I know that people abuse the system. But every cart has its bad apples, and our government are no exception. In fact if only they were only screwing the taxpayer for £71 a week.. but my point is this - if there were some kind of political education within schools made compulsary, surely it would greaten the chance for younger people to stay or get in touch with the way that our country works. The knock on effects can only be a good thing surely?

    I just think that if I had been exposed to some kind of political education as a youth - I would have liked to have gotten involved, and have a say in steering a particular area in the right direction. I'm by no means clued up when it comes to politics, but I can't help feeling that our country is a mess. And who is to blame for that? I'm angry about lots of things. I'm angry that genuine people in need are being penalised, while the governments over payment to elderly citizens for a heating grant has only just been sorted out, and my neighbour who is a self confessed rich guy has just received a cheque for £250, which he just doesn't need. And admits he doesn't need. I'm angry that people aren't means tested. I'm trying hard not to go on too many tangents, I just want to know if anyone else agrees that some basic kind of political education would be a good idea. Or if not, why not. I would have had not the first clue how to go about trying to make our country a better place when younger. Our opinion was just to leave it to someone else. I didn't even know that I had the option, the same I am sure, as a lot of other angry people my age (I'm 32).

    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Question For Kittie Experts.....?

    First off, I apologise if this seems too long (Essays put me right off, but bear with me).

    My girl has just had her second litter of kittens. From the first, I kept one (Raggy). These ones were born on the 1st March, so they're only just over 4 weeks old.

    The thing that's intruiged me beyond belief - is that all of them - mum had 6 this time, without exception, every one of these babies is using the litter tray. Not one mistake I've had, not one poop on the carpet. This was not the case with the first litter - they made loads of mess, and it was the only thing I wasn't looking forward to this time, because I find kittens a joy, I utterly love the bones of them. So my question is.... Could Raggy have taught them to use the litter tray? She's got a thing about litter, and has had since day one almost. It's like she's obsessed with it. Every time I clean it out (which is very often) she's there. She watches and she just seems to love cat litter. I don't know, it's great, it's like a fetish! Anyway, it's certainly not a bad thing, I just am curious that she might have taught her little brothers and sisters to use it? Is this just completely ridiculous, or is it possible? I know there's some clued up people on here, I've had great answers about the cats before - so anybody know? Has Raggy taught her siblings to be clean? Thanks in advance for any answers ;-)

    5 AnswersCats8 years ago