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Lv 4
G20 asked in Home & GardenMaintenance & Repairs · 7 years ago

The leading answerer, William B, has not answered a question in 10 months. I heard that he changed user names?

2 Answers

  • elhigh
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I would hope that he has either quit, been banned or otherwise fallen into a deep, dark hole.

    William B's answers were often specious. If you go back and look at his history you will see this. You will also see that the voting on his responses was very often completely out of line with either the response itself - how could a one-word answer like "yep" to a complicated, multi-layered question ever be worth more than a single vote? - and that he never did respond well to well-deserved criticism. One is representative of fraud, the other of sociopathy.

    If Yahoo! were really serious about this forum being for people actually looking for advice, and wanting their leaderboard to reflect good, useful participation, William B's account, aside from being banned, would have its history deleted.

    And good riddance, too.

    Source(s): Experience
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Or maybe doesn't have internet access in jail...

    Or maybe Yahoo realized "yep" was never really a best answer and blocked his software that would give him 5 votes in 5 seconds.

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