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CEO of Exxon LOVES fracking unless it's near his ranch...why is that, I wonder?

Rex Tillerson, CEO of ExxonMobile, is a staunch supporter of fracking. But bring that business anywhere near his Bartonville, Texas, ranch and he'll sue.

Tillerson has developed a reputation for his unwavering support of fracking. The practice is key to Exxon's business, and Tillerson is highly critical of efforts to regulate it, according to Forbes.

"This type of dysfunctional regulation is holding back the American economic recovery, growth and global competitiveness," Tillerson lashed out on one occasion, Forbes reported.

But when remnants of fracking com to Tillerson's neighborhood his tune changes. Instead of concerns about America's best interest and Exxon's energy future, Tillerson's focus becomes the unpleasant effects it has on the quality of life and real estate values, Forbes noted. And he's willing to take legal action.

The Exxon CEO joined a lawsuit to shut down a water tower that's to be used to supply fracking near his ranch. And Tillerson isn't just a passive supporter asked to sign a community petition. No, he went to a town hall meeting to personally protest against the construction of the water tower, according to The Wall Street Journal.

News of the lawsuit arose days after the Weather Channel published an in-depth report of the nasty effects natural gas drilling has on Texas' air quality, Amy Silverstein wrote in her Dallas Observer blog.

To be fair, Silverstein noted, the lawsuit Tillerson and his neighbors filed doesn't concern itself too much with the larger implications of natural gas drilling. Mostly, the plaintiffs just want to talk about how a 160-foot water tower is too big and ugly to fit in wealthy, attractive places like Bartonville.

Though Tillerson is clearly against dysfunctional fracking regulation, the lawsuit charges, "This monstrosity will mock the purpose of the Bartonville zoning ordinance."

The lawsuit also describes the tower's location as "abnormal and out of place for the surroundings." In addition to not being pretty enough, Bartonville residents are concerned about the noise and traffic that will result from the heavy trucks hauling the water.

None of the concerns set forth in the lawsuit ever seemed to trouble Tillerson when those issues were plaguing other neighborhoods, Forbes stated.

And though the official outcome of the case remains to be seen, "the lawsuit already has a winner, and that winner is irony," Silverstein quipped. it OK to drill or put an eyesore water tower in impoverished rural areas?

Can you say "HYPOCRITE"?

How about GREEDY ****???

15 Answers

  • Mack
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Both words fit him. He know the benefits and environmental issues with fracking so stay away from his property.

  • G20
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    Wow! Almost every word in your question is a lie. You get 5 Pinocchios. He DID NOT join in the lawsuit to prevent fracking. He and others simply don't want an eyesore water tower erected near the town of Bartonville where they live. He didn't file the lawsuit, he joined his neighbors in supporting the lawsuit. It was mentioned that some of the water could be sold for fracking purposes which has absolutely nothing to do with the lawsuit.

    Come on....Speak the truth or shut up!

    Here's a link to what's really going on:

  • 7 years ago

    Rex Tillerson really does not get it at all. He is more worried about the here and now aesthetics of his landscape than the very real environmental and health problems of fracking that can and will lie ahead. That kind of thinking is the scariest of all--no concern for tomorrow, just live for the moment, and screw everyone else.

  • 7 years ago

    G20 seems to have it about right. Michelle Smith of Money News has got half a story and is spinning it for all it is worth.

    Tillerson seems to be agreeing with his neighbours that a 160' water tower does not comply with the local zoning regs.

    @ Jim Z: Gore was a good hypothesis but Sagebrush has an actual example - it was Kennedy:

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  • 7 years ago

    Remember Kennedy who didn't want a wind farm next to him? Ha! Ha!

    Why do they need a 160 foot tower. Fracking can be done expediently without destroying the landscape. Maybe that is his objection. Did you ever bother to ask him?

    At least his company is providing a service to this nation. What has Al Gore and his ilk done to get as rich as they are?

    Ha! Ha! You are the real hypocrite.

    Don't get me wrong, he not may be a nice person, I don't know much about him. But I do know he does more to better mankind than you greenies all put together do.

  • Rocky
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    well the oil holding up the land in some places was removed causing the pressure in the area to change fracking puts water at an even higher pressure than the oil originally was which is then released so thing of a balloon covered in mud and allowed to dry you deflate the balloon wait then reinflate it slightly larger than it had been originally and deflated it again....the result in non cities would be more evident besides that water is harmful t the environment that would show in fertile fields just how deadly and dangerous fracking really is...its just protecting is own buttock

  • 7 years ago

    Yes, but as they might say in Texas, where is the beef?

    Compared to the fossil fuel industry raping the planet to reap hundreds of billions in profits by wrecking the global climate for the next thousand years, funding a massive 20 year campaign of anti-science lies to cover that up, bamboozling the corporatized infotainment media, and buying half the U.S. Congress,

    a little zoning flap in some blazing hot stretch of Texas desert is not exactly central to the main issue.

  • 7 years ago

    Thanks for pointing this out....but is anybody surprised? Like the rest of the elite & politicians, it's all about do as I say, not as I do.

    Our city water is currently experiencing in what comes out of the tap is brown.....has been for almost a year.

    Finally, they have a reason. The mayor, Sam Katz, has been saying all along it's safe. Yet we have not seen him on TV sucking back a big glass of it....ROFL.

  • 7 years ago

    This argument is flawed. For example, me being against a nuclear reactor being built across the road from my home does not mean I am against nuclear power. Nor does it mean that since I'm rich, I wish it to be built across the road from the projects.

    It's clear the author simply doesn't like Tillerson, doesn't like Exxon and probably doesn't like fracking. While there may be legitimate arguments against all three, this isn't one of them

  • 7 years ago

    I am 100% against fracking, it is terrible and causing major issues with the environment. This is just more proof of the Illuminati at work. See the bigger picture.....obviously the CEO is just a puppet and he can't make decisions on the House of Lorraine's business.....he is just a stooge who is giving his opinion, he can't stop the practice because he is not in control of EXXON.

    This is who controls Exxon oil

    The Illuminati Hadsburg family(house of Lorraine)

    There symbol is the cross of Lorraine which is clearly in the logo of EXXON. The symbol is also known as the "double cross" as in Exxon is double crossing you on fracking.

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