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Gay gym coach in the locker room.?

What say you? Should a gay coach who’s interested in men be allowed to view male students naked in the locker room? To me that’s the same as putting a male coach in the women’s locker room.


Bada bing: Why do liberals think that straight people can't be professional? That I can't comprehend. Maybe they think of straights as only sexdual predators and not humans...

Would you be ok with a Straight male gym coach watching you daughter undress in the locker room?

Update 2:

So basically, if they don’t admit to being gay….. we end up with pedophilic sexual predators peeping on our children in the locker room…and liberals are ok with this.

Update 3:

So as a parent, would you be ok with an openly gay/lesbian gym coach seeing your child naked?

22 Answers

  • Icy
    Lv 6
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    That's where they hide out. Sandusky hid there for years.

  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Gay gym coach in the locker room.?

    What say you? Should a gay coach who’s interested in men be allowed to view male students naked in the locker room? To me that’s the same as putting a male coach in the women’s locker room.

    Source(s): gay gym coach locker room:
  • Mike W
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I don't know if our gym coach was homosexual or not, but he didn't hang around in the locker room when we were changing, he was usually in his office or out in the gym waiting for us. If the coach conducts himself in a professional manner, then it should be no problem.

  • 7 years ago

    This is ridiculous! I do not believe that a gay coach (male or female) is a coach because of the desire to see half dressed or naked players in the locker room. If however, that is incorrect then I would assume that the job would be in jeopardy due to offended players.

    This questions seems to be based on the assumption that a coach, who happens to be gay is also some sort of deviant-which is highly unlikely. Would you pose the same question of a female coach?

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  • Nobody
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    I don't care if a person seeing me or my child is gay or not. There is a thing in this world known as professionalism and I trust a person in a position that you have described enough to be able to separate their personal life and thoughts from their work space and professional career. Then again I am open minded enough to ignore the bigotry and hate that can be associated with someone being "different" especially as it comes to sexuality.

    As a straight man I have been seen naked by guys I knew were gay or bisexual and didn't give a damn about any of it. All that matters to me is that I am comfortable in my skin and my own sexuality which I am. As long as said "gay gym coach" (wtf?) does not try to rape anyone or take photographs or ANYTHING negative that any STRAIGHT (wtf?) gym coach would be reprimanded or fired for doing then I don't have a problem with him -- or her!

    Source(s): We're in the 21st century. Seriously why is this still an issue?
  • When I was in high school, the boy's gym coach had a car accident or something, and the school had to find a substitute teacher on short notice.

    The only substitute teacher they could find was A WOMAN.


    I just walked out and didn't shower that day.

  • 7 years ago

    If they openly admit they are gay, ...who knows? If somone has an opjection, they would speak with the Head Administrator and tell them they won't shower ...period. they cant force a student to shower. Either that, shower with a bathing suit on.

    Look at this one:

    The Penn State child sex abuse scandal broke in 2011 at Pennsylvania State University, as a result of longtime former university football assistant coach Jerry Sandusky's sexual assault of at least eight underage boys on or near university property, and alleged actions by some university officials to cover up the incidents or to enable more. Based on an extensive grand jury investigation, Sandusky was indicted in 2011 on 52 counts of child molestation dating from 1994 to 2009, though the abuse may have dated as far back as the 1970s.[1] Per the findings of the grand jury, several high-level school officials were charged with perjury,[2] suspended, or dismissed for covering up the incidents or failing to notify authorities. Most notably, school president Graham Spanier was forced to resign, and athletic director Tim Curley and head football coach Joe Paterno were fired with Paterno passing away two months later from lung cancer. Sandusky maintained his innocence.[3]

    The trial of Jerry Sandusky on 52 charges of sexual crimes against children started on June 11, 2012, at the Centre County Courthouse in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania.[4][5] Four charges were subsequently dropped, leaving 48. On June 22, 2012, Sandusky was found guilty on 45 of 48 counts of sexual abuse.[6] Sandusky was sentenced on October 9, 2012 to a minimum of 30 years and maximum of 60 years in prison.

  • 7 years ago

    "To me that’s the same as putting a male coach in the women’s locker room."

    No it's not. In that situation, there are actual differences in anatomy there. That's actually the difference and it's the reason why we have a separation of the sexes for locker rooms, not because of sexual attraction.

  • 7 years ago

    Plenty of women's basketball and hockey teams seem to have a male coach in the women's locker room.

  • 7 years ago

    Same Sex Pedophiles are just queers that find it easier to hit on children than face up to a Sexual relationship with another Adult of the same Sex let alone normal relations with an Adult of the opposite Sex. The most disgusting thing is when Judges and District Attys. allow for lenient punishment for the crimes these bastards perform on our children. Russia's got a better idea. Let Sexual Perverts do what ever they want with other adult Sexual Perverts but don't get caught trying to indoctrinate our children or face a serious penalty.

  • 7 years ago

    From what I know of ethical gay people - and I know many who are teachers - they would have an assistant supervise the locker room to avoid such issues.

    This just sounds like another homophobe fantasy.

    The ones you have to watch out for are the pedophiles who are - USUALLY -- "straight" men with wives and families.

    Pedophilia is a paraphilia - a mental disorder. Sexual orientation is a normal facet of the personality.

    What say I?

    EDUCATE yourself, darling.

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