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How can we stop a thief?

About two days ago, a person with the profile name "Patricia" joined "Answers" and started up a great little scam. She uses "copy" and "paste" to take other people's thoughtful, carefully worded answers, then posts them as her own. She then gets her friends to vote for her for "best answer," and "Bingo!" her points tally jumps way up. She doesn't have to do any work, naturally, and she doesn't get caught because once a "best answer" is picked, there is no way to "flag" a response or complain to the site monitors. It's a really clever way to cheat. Of course, getting the attention of someone at Yahoo is like trying to keep the Titanic from sinking by bailing with a teaspoon. It just is the absolute definition of "impossible." So I'm wondering what, if anything, can be done to stop this little swindler from getting a free ride on other people's effort. I understand that the purpose of "Answers" is to help others, and I'm all in favor of that. The "points" and acclamation are nice, but are not the major focus. I do get "negative," however, about the idea of others taking credit for my work, and I really believe that it is important to learn, sooner rather than later, that "crime doesn't pay." I've contacted Yahoo (by waiting on "hold" for about an hour and a half), and they are not going to be much help. Reaching anybody at Yahoo by e-mail is out of the question, and I see very little chance of putting an end to "Patricia's" fraud. Does anyone else share my feeling that the activity should be stopped? Shouldn't "Patricia" learn to do her own work, leave other people's things alone, and treat others and their property with honesty and respect? I've enjoyed participating in "Answers," have learned some valuable things, and have even been able to help out a person or two. But I have no interest in doing work so that someone else gets the credit, no matter how easy the work may be, or how little value the "credit" might represent. I'll be grateful for any suggestions community members can offer about how "Patricia" might be brought up short and her fraud ended.

7 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's a points gamer. You can report resolved questions - just click on the flag on the bottom right and then in the box put "points gamer"

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I think I have been victimized by several times, but I never thought about it. I have tried my best to ignore thefts of my material. My rationale for not being so upset by this notion of thievery on Yahoo Answers goes this way. I have said to myself, "What the ---------, I have a good brain and the loss of an answer of mine keeps me motivated. Good luck.

    I like Kittysue's solution as well. I have red flagged some of the Yahoo thieves and the responses from Yahoo is swift and fair. So I will also watch for Patricia

  • 4 years ago

    She needs to be reported if she's doing things like this.

    It's illegal not just wrong & bad.

    She sounds like a big piece of ****.

  • 6 years ago

    hello, you recently wrote a comment on my question for my gpa, and though I understand no one should be making my life decisions, I do not believe that I ever asked for someone to make my life decisions. I simply asked if I could still recieve a 4.0 gpa, since I am not quite sure how to calculate it. I only wanted someone who could calculate my gpa or tell me if having a B would affect my final course grade. I do believe you should re-read my question before you tell me whats what, thank you

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  • 7 years ago

    I agree with Kittysue, I shall be on the look out along with Sci. Hopefully, we can get her reported to where she won't be able to do it anymore, and others cannot pursue her doings.

  • Sci
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    Glad you wrote about this. If it helps, I will look for Patricia too. Kittysue gave great advice. Thanks

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    that sucks man

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