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Science (QM) and spirituality - When the probability wave of your existence collapses, do you find yourself?

as a quantum of thought energy or a conscious observer?

Do you find any difference in the results

in relation to an ordinary state and a state of meditation or religiousness?

Thanks for authentic links and short explanations in favor of your answer.


No thumbs down from my side.

Update 2:

In my view,

by giving 'the conscious observer' an important and proper place in the field of science,

Quantum mechanics has already taken a huge step towards spirituality

and it is now the turn of spiritualists to explore the possibilities

through which individual or universal consciousness

may link itself with the matter at the quantum level,

so that the bridge between the science and the spirituality may become more stronger.

Biscuit, I agree with your outcome, but in my opinion, the subjective existence of the conscious observer can never be ruled out any any point of universal existence.

Jason, if you are not there, then who is conscious of the absence of your existence, in my opinion,

it is not possible to eliminate the presence of a conscious observer and hence of consciousness,

because it goes against both of the QM and the spirituality.

Alissa, do you also mean that the conscious observer and the thought quanta can relate to each other just as the space-time and th

Update 3:

alissa, -- and the particle-wave relates.

I think, i should agree with your outcome.

Update 4:


As per my understanding of quantum physics,

'collapse' means - final or ultimate perception of the being or the conscious observer.

Your answer is wonderful, i agree with almost everything in it, but i think, there is no need

to involve the word, God, in this regard or discussion.

Update 5:

philosophyangel, you are quite right as per the philosophical and spiritual approach about the individual existence is concerned, but i want to know and discuss about the ultimate existential truth

in relation to the modern scientific findings or facts.

Update 6:

joe, i think, the video has nothing to say about the scientific exploration of the consciousness.

5 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Science (QM) and spirituality - When the probability wave of your existence collapses, do you find yourself?

    ~~~ I'm going to make this very short, and just assume that you have some understanding;

    There is One (unchanging, ALL inclusive) Reality!

    There is One Consciousness;

    "Consciousness is the ground of all being!" - Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics

    One Consciousness.

    One Omni- Self!

    We are all UNIQUE Conscious Perspectives (Souls) of the One Reality, every moment of Universal existence!

    Every moment is a unique experience/Perspective/knowledge of Reality!

    We are merely the 'screen/mirror' that reflect the bit of 'Consciousness/Self' rowards which we face.

    This 'reflection', this (Planck) moment of existence, is what the collapsed 'quanton' is. Nothing really 'collapses' into anything, physically.... there IS no 'physical' (other than as a particular state of magnification, a particular Perspective).

    The moment that one single unique Perspective reflects its bit of Reality in one very limited way, Here! Now! Reality is Known!

    'Self!'! can be Known, Universally!

    One Universal moment of 'Self!'! Knowledge!

    All Here! Now!

    :Reality is a synchrony of moments!

    All Here! Now!.

    Talk about a 'Big Bang!'!

    But it was nothing 'physical'!

    Existence is the cartoon light popping on over the head of Consciousness/God!

    Big Boinggggg!

    "God cannot know himself without me." - Meister Eckhart

    "The eye by which I see God is the same as the eye by which God sees me. My eye and God's eye are one and the same." - Meister Eckhart

  • 7 years ago

    Simple!! You don't need any double slit experiment to figure that out!

    We are animals, We are classified as apes. Modern human apes. When we die, the same thing that happens to all the other animals and apes, happens to us. We are nothing special. We just evolved to have a little more intelligence than the other animals.

    Watch this very short, but very awesome video by Richard Dawkins-

    A lot of us human apes are always trying to make us more important than we really are because of backward, retarded, made-up, imaginary religious nonsense!

  • 7 years ago

    Conscious obsever and thought energy is the same thing to me.

    There is no difference in a state of meditation or religiousness/spirituality for me.

  • 7 years ago

    Quantum mechanics aside, we find ourselves when we stop being automatons and realize that the personality is a hapless effect of circumstance and conditioning and is nothing more than a program and that personhood is the incessant accretion of karmic momentum. "If you dissociate from the body and rest in consciousness, you will be happy, serene, and free from bondage." from the Ashtavakra Gita.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Neither, when i try to measure my existence...i'm not there.

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