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Polish kielbasa and Poland questions?

I'm doing a research about kielbasa. If you can answer these questions, I'd really appreciate it!

What is kielbasa's cultural impact and what is the story behind?

Also, how this Poland get its flag? How did they choose it? Why are they red and white?

2 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    When it comes to the Polish flag, precise origins are not exactly documented. However, the red colour in the flag is considered to represent bravery, strength and dedication, whilst the white is considered to represent honour, honesty and peace. The Polish flag was originally crimson Red (gently going into pinkish), however the shade has been changed throughout the medieval times to a slightly more traditional red. The Polish flag can also be shown with the White Eagle at the centre.

    As to Kielbasa, that is not any easier to trace historically, however it has its origins with the Polish dish called 'bigos' as it played the main part in the taste of the dish. The types of Kielbasa being served were increased by those named after king's Augustus III of Poland chef, by the name of Wereszczak.

    Source(s): Wikipedia, own knowledge
  • 7 years ago

    I only had white kielbasa once in my life but it has remained memorable taste and experience. Unfortunately, in my country they are not sold as such because local products are more preferred.

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