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  • What happens when I put the wrong date of birth on background check for a job application?

    So today I went for a job interview for Hollister at the mall. I was told I'd get an email if I got the job or not. Well I got the job and the next step was the background check. I did it on my phone device but I believe it asked for my birthday and I put the year, which was 1998 but for the month and day, I put today's date. So I think I submitted it as 1998/01/06. I got mixed up or distracted but I know for a fact I put the correct social security number. As soon as I submitted it, I thought about it and I think I really messed up on my date of birth part. I panicked and told my mom and she told me to call the store and let them know. So I did and someone from the store picked up. I told her of my situation and she told me, it'll just ask me again if it didn't go through. But I'm really paranoid that it's gonna mess up my chance of officially getting the job. Does anyone know what's gonna happen ?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 year ago
  • How do stop my pug from barking at everything?

    It has gotten out of hand! He never barked at strangers when he was a puppy but ever since he got older (he is 2 years now), he barks at strangers and cars passing by. I'm always embarrassed to take him out for a walk or take him anywhere.

    I have 2 other pugs, a 1 year old female and a male puppy. The puppy is their baby. They had a little of 6 and we kept one of the puppies. Anyways, they are both good with strangers, female does barks sometimes but not excessively barking like the adult male. Like when he hears someone outside the door of our house, he will bark non stop and we tell him to stop but he wont. He also shows some kind of aggression. When I take him outside in the front yard, I have him on a leash and we will just walk bark and forth in the sidewalk and whenever he sees a car, he will bark and pull on the leash. I would then pull the leash back and tell him, "NO! No barking!" and he still won't stop. He will just keep pulling the leash and bark. I would then have to carry him back inside the house and he will try to let loose and still bark. He's pretty strong. I'm scared because he's the only pug I know that does that. All the other pugs lets strangers pet them without a problem but mine will just "attack"

    5 AnswersDogs4 years ago
  • What did Accutane do to your lips while you were on it?

    About 2 days ago, I started getting a weird feeling on my lips. It was tingly, itchy and hurt. Yesterday I woke up and it was swollen!! It was like 2-3x the size of my lips and I could not stop biting my lips. Then I woke up this morning and it was much worst! It looks like I got lip injection!!!

    Does anyone know how long my lips will look swollen?

    From what I know, it's only supposed to be dry and cracky.

    Could this be an allergic reaction to Accutane??

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions4 years ago
  • Is my package lost?

    I ordered something on EyeBuyDirect and it was expected to arrive on Saturday. It even notified me that it was Out for Delivery around 11am. I waited all for it thinking it would come. I didn t get my daily mail until around 5-6pm. I tracked it and it wasn t updated so I thought maybe it was put in a different truck but then I gave up waiting so I just slept. Then today it says Delivery status not updated. Did my package somehow get lost or stolen? What do I do if it doesn t come tomorrow?

    2 AnswersCorporations4 years ago
  • How to fix a ceiling fan that won't spin?

    I could here the motor but it just doesn't spin. I tried to use a stick to spin it myself wishing it would start spinning but it doesn't work. The light turns on. I have two switches, one for the light and one of the fan. They work just fine.

    11 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs5 years ago
  • Would Burlington hire me if I'm 17?

    I'm 17, turning 18 in 2 months. I really need a job this summer but I checked Burlington website and you have to be 18+ to work there. The thing is, I'm almost 18 so I was wondering if I have a chance of getting hired for the summer and willing to work as long as I can!

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • Does anyone in Corpus Christi have any pugs available for sale or adoption?

    I really want one and I've been trying to search everywhere but I can't find any. I prefer locals.

    1 AnswerDogs6 years ago
  • How to fix iPhone 5C time?

    This started happening a few days ago. I noticed the time changed. It was later than usual so I changed it to the right time manually. Then after an hour I checked my phone and it was late again. I kept changing it and the time zone. It kept doing it so I restored my phone and it still doesn't show the right now. Sometimes, it would be correct but after a few minutes I'll be late again. The date doesn't get affected. But I also noticed I wouldn't get some text messages. And notifications are late as well because of the time. I'm getting really annoyed. I told my mom about it and that I might need a new phone but my 2 year contract hasn't ended yet and we don't have money to buy a new one. Is there a way to fix this? I searched it up but I haven't found a single solution that worked.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • What's the molecular shape of dimethyl benzene C8H10?

    Please help me. I'm so confused I don't know how to do this because I did the Lewis diagram and I can't tell what it is.

    1 AnswerChemistry6 years ago
  • Why does my taskbar and desktop keep disappearing?

    It's a Windows 7 laptop. So this happened just today. When I turn it on, it turns on like normal but once it logs in the user account, the screen is just black and a cursor. I tried to turn it off and on and tried different stuff but it's the same. I ran it on Safe Mode and it shows stuff but not words. So when I open up control panel, it's just the icons showing, not words.

    So I started it normal mode again and it was still just a black screen and a cursor. I did CTRL + ALT + DELETE and I was able to open the task manager. I went to the Details and explorer.exe was running but no background desktop, taskbar and icons. So I clicked "End task" for all the explorer.exe running. Then I went to File and runned explorer.exe. IT WORKED! I could see the icons, desktop and taskbar. I can finally access everything. But I logged off and it was the black screen and cursor again. So I had to repeat what i did earlier to get it back.

    WHy does it do that? How can I fix this?

    1 AnswerSoftware6 years ago
  • USPS says "Delivery status not updated" why?

    I have a package I ve been waiting for. It says Out for Delivery since 8am yesterday and last night at around 10pm it said Delivery status not updated. My regular mail came but not the package. This has never happened to any of my packages before. This is the first time it ever happened.

    2 AnswersCorporations6 years ago
  • Where can I apply to be part of the Environmental Protection?

    I have a career project and it's asking how easy it is to find a job for that certain career. I chose to do my project on Environmental Protection and I have no way of knowing! Someone please help me!!

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • Can I save left over L'oreal HiColor dye?

    I just bought a L'oreal Excellence HiColor HiLights dye in the color of magenta and since I won't be dying my whole hair, I was wondering if I could use the left over dye that I didn't use. not the one that I mixed with the developer.

    I'm only gonna use half of it and maybe use the rest when it fades. will that be okay? or do I have to throw it away?

    1 AnswerHair7 years ago
  • Almost 16 and I'm still 4"11?

    I don't understand this at all! I haven't grown since 7th grade! I've been the same height!

    my dad is 5"6 and my mom is 5"0. my older sister is 5"2! why can't I be as tall as my sister at least? will I ever get taller?

    1 AnswerAdolescent7 years ago
  • Hair dye? HELP PLEASE?

    The first time I dyed my hair, I got a blonde color and without bleaching it, my hair turned goldish brown which I liked. After 3 months or so, my roots started to show up so I dyed my hair into a brown shade. My hair turned dark brown. It's like a natural dark brown. Since it's been a year since I last dyed my hair, my roots were very visible and my sister kept complaining at how ugly it looked so I finally decided to dye my hair again. I got a medium brown hair dye but it turned black :( i don't know why it turned black and I hate it.

    Today, I decided that I want to keep half of my hair black and half red. so all the hair underneath will be red and I'm keeping the top layer hair the way it is. I thought "oh well, black is close to my natural hair color anyways so i'll just keep it. but black is so boring but and i don't want to keep redying my hair because of my roots" So that's when I decided I'm gonna dye my bottom layers RED :D

    Although I said "red" the dye I ordered is actually magenta.

    I'm going to be using L'oreal HiColor Magenta with a 30 volume developer.. my questions are:

    1. Will I need to bleach my hair since it's black?

    2. Can I use the 30 volume developer to bleach is?

    3. How do I use the developer to bleach my hair.

    4. Will I even need to bleach it because the L'oreal HiColor Magenta I ordered online is for Dark Hair.

    5. what will magenta hair dye fade to?

    1 AnswerHair7 years ago
  • How do I get my Left 4 Dead product code?

    I am so annoyed and frustrated. Today I bought LEFT 4 DEAD pc game. I was so excited but when I got home and started to install the game, it asked for a product code. I looked on the front and back cover but didn't show anything. Inside is a CD only. No papers or little booklets or product code. I have a feeling the product code was lost or stolen. I didn't check before I payed because I didn't even know you needed a product code. The clerk didn't say anything either. She even opened the cd and didn't say it was missing a product code. They probably won't accept it if I return it. So how can I get a product code? Someone please help me. I'm not asking for a product code but is there a way to let STEAM know? or whoever made the game or something.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • How can I get rid of my acne ASAP?

    My acne had gotten so bad! It all started in 4th grade with a giant pimple on my forehead. Then in 5th grade, it increased! It filled up my whole forehead and I even started getting a lot on my neck. I became very insecure and shy from then on. I couldn't look into someone's eye and talk. I'd always hide my face and neck. In middle school, it kinda cleared up. My neck was cleared and I had a few on my forehead and I'd get pimples from random places on my cheeks and nose. In 8th grade, it got a little better. Now I'm in 9th grade. It got worst! I have acne scars everywhere and acne everywhere and I tried all sorts of cleansers and nothing works! I have pictures provided and i'm WARNING you! It's disgusting.

    In the summer, I thought "Finally, it's clearing up!" then BOOM! I started getting acne again. Please help me! I've lost so many opportunities because of my insecurities with my acne :( I want my acne and scars to go away ASAP! What can I do?

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions7 years ago
  • Polish kielbasa and Poland questions?

    I'm doing a research about kielbasa. If you can answer these questions, I'd really appreciate it!

    What is kielbasa's cultural impact and what is the story behind?

    Also, how this Poland get its flag? How did they choose it? Why are they red and white?

    2 AnswersPoland7 years ago
  • How can I fix iPad Mini that won't turn on?

    I know this is very common and I hope someone can help me fix this.

    My iPad Mini won't open or charge. It's just black screen. I've tried everything. I even left it all my wall outlet charging over night and it still won't turn on. I tried recovery mode, dfu mode, reset, I even tried to slap the back of the iPad.

    Is there any solution besides going to the apple store? I don't have a warranty. PLEASE HELP!

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics8 years ago