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What happens when I put the wrong date of birth on background check for a job application?

So today I went for a job interview for Hollister at the mall. I was told I'd get an email if I got the job or not. Well I got the job and the next step was the background check. I did it on my phone device but I believe it asked for my birthday and I put the year, which was 1998 but for the month and day, I put today's date. So I think I submitted it as 1998/01/06. I got mixed up or distracted but I know for a fact I put the correct social security number. As soon as I submitted it, I thought about it and I think I really messed up on my date of birth part. I panicked and told my mom and she told me to call the store and let them know. So I did and someone from the store picked up. I told her of my situation and she told me, it'll just ask me again if it didn't go through. But I'm really paranoid that it's gonna mess up my chance of officially getting the job. Does anyone know what's gonna happen ?

3 Answers

  • 1 year ago

    They will deny you the job for lying.

    Source(s): Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    It probably wont matter.

  • Pearl
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    just tell them you made a mistake on it, that can happen to anyone

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