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Is my package lost?

I ordered something on EyeBuyDirect and it was expected to arrive on Saturday. It even notified me that it was Out for Delivery around 11am. I waited all for it thinking it would come. I didn t get my daily mail until around 5-6pm. I tracked it and it wasn t updated so I thought maybe it was put in a different truck but then I gave up waiting so I just slept. Then today it says Delivery status not updated. Did my package somehow get lost or stolen? What do I do if it doesn t come tomorrow?

2 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    I've had the same situation happen to me but with eBay.i contacted the seller and asked about my package and he said that it usually the carriers fault and that it could be delayed. I did end up getting my package like 5 day late. I really wasn't worried about the package because it cost me 3 dollars and it was just an extra chrging cable for iPhone( because you know how fragile the apple cables are). I do recommend contacting the seller just in case something did go wrong.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Contact the company who sent it or/and the company it's being delivered by asap. The sooner you call, the more likely they can find it.

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