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Why does my taskbar and desktop keep disappearing?

It's a Windows 7 laptop. So this happened just today. When I turn it on, it turns on like normal but once it logs in the user account, the screen is just black and a cursor. I tried to turn it off and on and tried different stuff but it's the same. I ran it on Safe Mode and it shows stuff but not words. So when I open up control panel, it's just the icons showing, not words.

So I started it normal mode again and it was still just a black screen and a cursor. I did CTRL + ALT + DELETE and I was able to open the task manager. I went to the Details and explorer.exe was running but no background desktop, taskbar and icons. So I clicked "End task" for all the explorer.exe running. Then I went to File and runned explorer.exe. IT WORKED! I could see the icons, desktop and taskbar. I can finally access everything. But I logged off and it was the black screen and cursor again. So I had to repeat what i did earlier to get it back.

WHy does it do that? How can I fix this?

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