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munchkin asked in PetsDogs · 4 years ago

How do stop my pug from barking at everything?

It has gotten out of hand! He never barked at strangers when he was a puppy but ever since he got older (he is 2 years now), he barks at strangers and cars passing by. I'm always embarrassed to take him out for a walk or take him anywhere.

I have 2 other pugs, a 1 year old female and a male puppy. The puppy is their baby. They had a little of 6 and we kept one of the puppies. Anyways, they are both good with strangers, female does barks sometimes but not excessively barking like the adult male. Like when he hears someone outside the door of our house, he will bark non stop and we tell him to stop but he wont. He also shows some kind of aggression. When I take him outside in the front yard, I have him on a leash and we will just walk bark and forth in the sidewalk and whenever he sees a car, he will bark and pull on the leash. I would then pull the leash back and tell him, "NO! No barking!" and he still won't stop. He will just keep pulling the leash and bark. I would then have to carry him back inside the house and he will try to let loose and still bark. He's pretty strong. I'm scared because he's the only pug I know that does that. All the other pugs lets strangers pet them without a problem but mine will just "attack"

5 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    Correct it immediately each and every time when caught in the act, which is your responsibility not the dogs. Ignoring it will only get worse. Spraying may or may not work with some dogs, or it may exacerbate the issue causing it to become aggressive and/or a fear biter.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    You train it

  • 4 years ago

    You can train him not to bark at every little thing. Look up, 'stop excessive barking'. Spray bottle is a good long distance correctional tool. Adjust the spray to spray the longest spray.

    Another method is to take a soda can, put in about 6 or 8 pea gravel stones, seal the opening, attach a bail to the rims. Toss it in the dogs direction so it will land close to the dog. By using the bail to sling it, it makes no noise until it lands just beside the dog.

  • 4 years ago

    Fill a clean spray bottle with water and spray his face two or three times when he continues to bark. As you spray him, say something like, "Be quiet." After awhile, he may stop barking when you just pick up the bottle as if you're getting ready to spray him and say "Be quiet. This method has worked with my dog. In fact, my vet recommended it.

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  • 4 years ago

    Spray bottle. When he barks at nothing, you spray his face.

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