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munchkin asked in Beauty & StyleHair · 7 years ago

Hair dye? HELP PLEASE?

The first time I dyed my hair, I got a blonde color and without bleaching it, my hair turned goldish brown which I liked. After 3 months or so, my roots started to show up so I dyed my hair into a brown shade. My hair turned dark brown. It's like a natural dark brown. Since it's been a year since I last dyed my hair, my roots were very visible and my sister kept complaining at how ugly it looked so I finally decided to dye my hair again. I got a medium brown hair dye but it turned black :( i don't know why it turned black and I hate it.

Today, I decided that I want to keep half of my hair black and half red. so all the hair underneath will be red and I'm keeping the top layer hair the way it is. I thought "oh well, black is close to my natural hair color anyways so i'll just keep it. but black is so boring but and i don't want to keep redying my hair because of my roots" So that's when I decided I'm gonna dye my bottom layers RED :D

Although I said "red" the dye I ordered is actually magenta.

I'm going to be using L'oreal HiColor Magenta with a 30 volume developer.. my questions are:

1. Will I need to bleach my hair since it's black?

2. Can I use the 30 volume developer to bleach is?

3. How do I use the developer to bleach my hair.

4. Will I even need to bleach it because the L'oreal HiColor Magenta I ordered online is for Dark Hair.

5. what will magenta hair dye fade to?


Please don't tell me it won't work because I have dark hair. I know it will because I've been watching youtube videos all day and they all seemed to work but they never answered my questions. The videos I watched, they all used the same brand, L'oreal HiColor for dark hair..

Update 2:

The reason I'm asking is because I've seen people ask how to remove black hair dye. I'm scared it won't work because my hair turned black after dying it brown...

1 Answer

  • 7 years ago

    Okay, wow. it depends how dark or light you want the magenta to appear. I'm not sure if you should use the developers. it might work but I don't know. I would just regularity bleach it, but you can try. again, if you bleach it you will get a more vibrant color and if you don't it should still appear, but darker. then when it fades, the bleached color will go pinkish and the non bleached will probably go back to black with a hint of purple! good luck!

    Source(s): I've died my hair purple before
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