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How can I fix iPad Mini that won't turn on?

I know this is very common and I hope someone can help me fix this.

My iPad Mini won't open or charge. It's just black screen. I've tried everything. I even left it all my wall outlet charging over night and it still won't turn on. I tried recovery mode, dfu mode, reset, I even tried to slap the back of the iPad.

Is there any solution besides going to the apple store? I don't have a warranty. PLEASE HELP!

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Don't beat the electronics!! lol No really hitting something rarely fixes the problem with people or things. This weekend this happened to me but I was fortunate that my 16 yr old grandson was here with his device and charger. So I plugged his into my ipad mini and it began to charge. I've had my mini since March and several people (mostly small) have used it and different users have different technics when removing the charger cord, which I believe broke my charger-pulling hard on the cord instead of the hard tab. This caused my red wire inside the charger to break about 1 inch from the tab. I dissected the charger to try to fix it after I realized it was not my ipad mini. This was the original cord that came with the device. I have ordered another and it should be here by Wed.. I also intend to send an email to and see if I can get a replacement from them gratis. Now my suggestion is if no one you know has a compatible charger take your mini to an electronics department and see if they will let you 'borrow' the correct charger see if your mini charges if it does buy the charger if not at least you'll be someplace where they could help you troubleshoot the problem. Most folks working at electronic store know more about that stuff than me anyway.

    PS; I was able to fix the cord for about 2 days but grands visited again and the fix was fragile anyway. Miss my mini!

    Source(s): my experience
  • marier
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Ipad Mini Wont Turn On

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