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How do I get my Left 4 Dead product code?

I am so annoyed and frustrated. Today I bought LEFT 4 DEAD pc game. I was so excited but when I got home and started to install the game, it asked for a product code. I looked on the front and back cover but didn't show anything. Inside is a CD only. No papers or little booklets or product code. I have a feeling the product code was lost or stolen. I didn't check before I payed because I didn't even know you needed a product code. The clerk didn't say anything either. She even opened the cd and didn't say it was missing a product code. They probably won't accept it if I return it. So how can I get a product code? Someone please help me. I'm not asking for a product code but is there a way to let STEAM know? or whoever made the game or something.

2 Answers

  • Dr.No
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    if you bought a retail copy, it should be on an insert inside the case. if there isn't anything there, either manufacturing made a mistake or someone really did steal it. bring it back to the store with the receipt and explain what happened.

    valve probably doesn't have any obligations since it wasn't purchased directly through their online store.

  • 7 years ago

    Ya retail copies and digital copies you should get a code with it or in the mail. Try contacting the place you got it from

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