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Why do atheists say that evil doesn't exist?

Supposing you say "Mr Smith was evil" or "Mr Smith did an evil act" an atheist (or sometimes a theist) will say that evil doesn't exist, as though you thought that there was some being that was evil and that it was doing all these evil things.

Isn't it like saying that "sitting doesn't exist"?

The point is an act like rape is considered evil and people do do rape. Having a semantic discussion weather evil exists is not relevant. Do you think Mr Smith did those things or do you think these tings are really bad.

Update 2:

engineering - so you say that evil doesn't exist because you have a different version of evil to other people. OK!!!

Update 3:

Is it Just me? - I didn't start it.

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    if they say that they are blind

  • 7 years ago

    'Good' and 'evil' only exist in the sinfully judgmental eye of the beholder!

    It is the sin of Pride; taking a great big bite from the Forbidden Fruit! Again! Which tree did it come from?

    The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil!

    Every time that you see/judge, you take a new bite!

    A;; the Xtian is to do is to Love!

    The Loving eye never sees evil, it only sees the Beloved!

  • 7 years ago

    I do not say evil doesn't exist. It exists in the form of evil actions, and as a concept of morality.

    Don't waste your time talking about morality to someone who doesn't even agree on your definition of morality. You will just end up speaking past each other.

  • If a semantic discussion makes no sense, why are you starting one?

    Evil is just a label. Are there bad people? Certainly. Then does it matter whether we call one act or another evil? What does that gain us? Or what does it matter if we don't use that word?

    I say that your god as written in the bible is evil because he condones, even orders child murder, rape and slavery. You and your fellow Christians probably refer to me as evil for saying that.

    I just really don't know what your real issue is.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Evil exists, but it's subjective because it's decided by groups of humans.

    There is no "objective evil". In a world without humans to define it, "evil" wouldn't exist.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Evil does not exist in the form of a force or spirit. Evil does exist in the way of people and their actions.

  • 7 years ago

    Good and evil are concepts created by humans. They DO exist, but they're man-made concepts.

    Morality is a human invention and a very useful one because without morality , societies would be impossible to exist.

    We atheists do not reject morality, nihilists do that

  • 7 years ago

    I've never heard this claim. Being non religious, you are probably referring to people who don't believe in The Devil or Satan and not evil in general. Evil people do exist and evil acts happen all the time. I just don't believe it's caused by The Devil or Satan.

  • 7 years ago

    Because they don't believe in spiritual world ,then Good and evil are normally define to be in the perspective of religious point of view.

  • Nik
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    We say the devil doesn't exist but evil damn sure does exist. I understand you have practice at making things up but its getting out of hand :)

  • 7 years ago

    Evil is a value judgment, it doesn't exist as an entity.

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