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Why do gay people call other people names like bigots when someone doenst belive in there lifestyle?

I just see it as the gay person being a bigot calling someone else a bigot for not "Changing " there way of thinking or there own thoughts just to make the other person happy. If people were true to themslves then they wouldn't change just so others wouldnt call them names. I also see gay people who call others bigots hateful people who cant deal with others thoughts and what they belive.


Ok lifestyle isnt the word im looking for.... I gess the way a person lives? To Dylan sorry if you think im a bigot but I think its wrong for someone to call others names because that person doenst suport just what you think. I am a white woman and I have been abused. I am a survivor and im just trying to understand how people think that if they use hate it will make things better for themslves. Hate begets hate.

Update 2:

Using the word BIGOT is not being Tolerant or Accepting. But they want us to be Tolerant and Accepting.

7 Answers

  • Lily R
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    If someone disagrees with being gay due to religious belief or sommat I don't give a ****, provided they don't expect me to think the same or condemn me and tell me I am going to Hell. I will call those people bigots cos they are openly hating against the LGBT community.

    Someone who has a disagreement about being gay though due to religious belief or sommat and is happy to leave it at that, maybe even have a debate over the matter. Then fine, I'm comfortable with that.

    I do have a slight intolerance for people who deny scientifics facts about being gay or call it a lifestyle choice but at the end of the day, people who don't believe in the science or science that goes against their beliefs, then I just don't bother talking to them. They are welcome to their opinion but I would end up in an argument with such people. From that stance I would be the bigot cos I'd be attempting to force my belief.

    EDIT: Michelle has it spot on.

  • 7 years ago

    Gay isn't a "lifestyle". I don't care if you agree or disagree with my orientation, your opinion is irrelevant.

    Also, learn the difference between "there" and "their".

    " I gess the way a person lives? "

    -Also, not what you mean to say. Gay people do not all live the same way. Perhaps a man having sex with another man makes you uncomfortable, but not your business. A man having sex with a fat woman makes me uncomfortable, but I keep my f*cking mouth shut because it's not my business.

    "To Dylan sorry if you think im a bigot but I think its wrong for someone to call others names because that person doenst suport just what you think."

    -When you insult someone for being gay, you aren't insulting WHAT they think, you're insulting part of WHO they are. Huge difference and I really shouldn't have to explain this to you. Are jews hateful for not tolerating the Nazis views of them?!

    I wouldn't call you a bigot for saying gay people or gay sex makes you uncomfortable, but if you attempt to take away or withhold rights from me that you have because I am gay, you are a bigot and I would not apologize for stating a fact.

  • Emma
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    People that refuse to be tolerant, accepting of people that are different than them are exercising hate. Different meaning but not limited to, the lgbt. Weather someone is different than you does not matter, we are all human and we all have rights. One right no one has is to force their religion onto others.

    Tolerant, accepting, is not the same as condoning, supporting, or approving of..

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    We only call others bigots when they either keep harassing us, or vote NP on gay marriage. You can say that it's their right, but it isn't right to allow someone to vote down something when it does nothing but restrict someone. No one gains anything in voting no on gay marriage, it shouldn't be left up to a vote in the first place.

    Oh, and when African Americans get harassed because of their race, don't you think that's bigoted? It's the same thing. I honestly don't care what you think, I'd just like for the right to marry the same sex if I want to, and for everyone else to have that same right.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    People don't call you a bigot to insult you. They call you a bigot to let you know that you have insulted them.

  • _Ryan_
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Why show respect to someone who disrespects you?

    Society works as well as it does because we try to bridge differences by sharing mutual basic respect.

    Gays don't want your love, but they demand your basic respect, just as they give basic respect to other protected groups.

    Two men choose to have sex in private.

    Why? Because they want to.

    Why do they want to? It's a part of nature; 700 species of animals have homosexual behavior.

    Why talk about it? Because some people act on their hatred of gay people. They murder, attack, bully, fire, refuse housing, refuse to serve, and otherwise persecute gay people.

    What do gay people want? To be treated equally in employment, housing, schools, marriage, and business. So far they have NONE of these rights in all 50 states.

    Why should gay people be singled out for these rights? Because other persecuted groups in the U.S. are given these rights: religion, ethnicity, gender, etc.

  • 7 years ago

    You don't have to embrace homosexuality, but everyone should leave to accept it. Those who can't accept it or refuse to accept it, are the bigots.

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