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a-dog asked in PetsReptiles · 7 years ago

Blood in Red ear slider's tank?

Ok, so almost a week ago my turtle's tank had a red cloud of blood in it and I didn't catch what had caused it. Since then he has done it 3 more times and I still haven't seen what is causing it! We have an appointment for the vet on Monday but I fear that isn't soon enough. We have been cleaning his tank and putting in Dr. Turtle (A water cleanser) but still it occurs. I can't find any injuries on his shell or skin and I don't know how he is doing it but I am worried. I believe he is coughing it up from some kind of internal bleeding. Is there some way to find out what is wrong? He is acting like he is ok and is eating normally. He even looks fine. I have searched all over online for what could be causing it and have found nothing. Does anyone have any ideas what is wrong with him? He does it about every 3 days but today he has turned that into once a day! :(

1 Answer

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    This might sound stupid, but ensure that it is blood first. I once had a similar issue but found that it was only clay mixed with poop. If it is indeed blood, you are correct in that it is from internal bleeding. If the rate in which the bleeding occurs has increased, you should check to see if you can reschedule the appointment to tomorrow. If you cannot, comfort him and just hope that he can hold out long enough.

    Source(s): Reptile Owner 3 Years
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