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Lv 5

Do you believe the Holy Spirt to be a person (like Father and Son) or force?

Please no atheist loonies.

7 Answers

  • Lou G
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    your question is more atheist oriented than Christian, since people of faith are blind and never ask questions.

    Now, to give you an objective answer to that you have first to realize what the trinity is and be open minded.

    It is a field of power, and in the field, 2 poles, positive and negative connect in or by a neutral medium to create action. This flow of energy inside the medium that is creates and destroys is what we call GOD. If we look it at the base, it is Nothingness, Resonance and Gravity, that is what our Atom is about, NRG, energy.

    If ancients called it GOD, tit was due to the fact that the book describes the human body and this is related to human bodies connected to create action. Connect, rely, religion, covenant, we call is sexual act. The letters GDH (GOD) mean in Hebrew letter symbols, a Camel, a door, and a window, is simple term, a penis, a vagina and a pair of balls and ovaries.

    We have here the poles, male/female and the nothingness in which all becomes, our reproduction apparatus. Nothingness is a holy spirit, the sexual act is a spiritual act, and the nothingness will create a seed, the seed will go and multiply, fractal splitting will create a full human body in 33 weeks. The father is the man, and his son is his penis, the holy spirit is the unknown, it is the uterus, the garden in which we sow the seed, and after that we ignore what will go on. Note that still today we can not explain what makes cells split and reproduce a whole body, we know how, but not why and what is the program for that action.

    Reproduction and creation rests on this trinity, positive, negative and neutral. We call it simply A/C, symbol is S, the sine curb, or our talking snakes we read about, they power all of us. The sine is a wave, resonance, and that is the base of all existence. At the beginning was the word, and that word is resonance of your vocal cords, without that we could no talk and describe what we see. Our body is a hologram of waving visible light, and what keeps it consistent is magnetic gravity fields only. It is as real as what you see on your computer screen, fake and illusion only. But, admit, it has done huge things, and there you can see what all GOD can do with triangles and circles while every human needs thousand of things to make his world.

  • Pancho
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    The "holy ghost" is a reference to God's activating force - not to a person. Unfortunately, Michelangelo misunderstood and in his huge painting (in the Sistine Chapel) of the "last judgment," he painted the holy ghost as a young man. Wrong. The "Father" refers to God - the "Son" refers, not to Jesus as most Christians believe, but to a high level of spiritual attainment. That's why Jesus said that you cannot get to the Father except through the "son." He meant that you need to achieve that level of spiritual development before you can get to God. But of course most Christians got that one wrong also, and they created the mistaken dogma that says that "you can't get to God except through Jesus!" Of course, Jesus didn't say that, but it's a waste of time trying to get a Christian to investigate their own religion. And by the way, I'm not an atheist ...

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    It states within Scripture the Holy Spirit is an Advocate by definition used as a noun He would be a Divine Person. I believe what is taught within Scripture anyone that teaches outside of it in my opinion is the ravings of a lunatic.

  • Fuzzy
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    You may not have realized this. But there are in fact two kinds of holy spirit - God's general one, and the one He sent out in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ. This one has been given the name Helper or Advocate and other names. It has been spoken of as 'he' and in that way been personified.

    God's general spirit is spoken of as power of God to enable him to do whatever he wants, whereby he enables prophets to work wonders and speak in his name.

    35 And the angel answered her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and --> the power of the Most High will overshadow you; <--- therefore the child to be born will be called holy—the Son of God.

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  • 7 years ago

    “God is not a being or an entity. God is the great positive force, the collective positive force of all that is. To call god an entity and especially to personify god is to limit the concept.” God is the Universal Consciousness, the Intelligent Infinity, the One Source, the Prime Creator. EVERYTHING IS GOD. God is All There Is. We are all part of god. All the universes combined are part of god.

    “We souls are a single unit of consciousness that stems from the Creator’s consciousness. This is known as “Infinite Consciousness.” All units of consciousness are interconnected to all other types of consciousness. Everything that exists is called the “Creator” (also known as the Source). Infinite Consciousness is the universal energy that exists everywhere or “All that is.”

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    the Holy Spirit is a person as in scripture the words "He ,His. are used

  • Ronnie
    Lv 7
    7 years ago


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