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British workers lazy? Or left wing propaganda?

Like any country you will have you small percentage of people who don't want to work but its sicking to hear the media and people branding British person with laziness and job snobbery..

If anything it's based on the monthly wage is it affordable for a single person or even a person with a family who the sole provider...

when in fact people want to work but are priced out of working due to cost of living and the living working wage no where near each other, And the lack of job's

when polish workers come over here they do come here in groups of 8 or 10 people and they Share a rented accommodation and all chip in with the rent,, so if there all on the same wage, they are paying very little to live and work...

but for a single person working and living in London is nearly impossible, if a person is on the min wage of say £6.50 on a monthly basis that's about £800 after tax.. So how on earth is a person able to go work, pay there rent or even pay for food ? the average private rent in London is £130 a week and that's without council tax on top...

British people have always worked for many years, We're told the NHS would suffer without the immigrants who run it, But British works who worked in the Hospital's got the job done far better, We never had this problem with MSRA in the passed... But the point is if the working wage was suitable then you will see far more people getting of there **** because its affordable to work..

My question is do you think British people are lazy or just typical left wing propaganda ?

11 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am right wing, but I believe there IS some truth in the statement, although I believe that the left exploit the message to the hilt in order to promote their pro EU pro immigration policies.

    One thing I will say from experience, is that the company I work for in the midlands is short of skilled workers, but every time we advertise for quite well paid jobs, starting pay around 20k rising to 36k after training bonuses and overtime CALLOUT etc.... we hardly get any applicants, and those applicants we do get are 'usually' very unsuitable and we're not able to take them on most of he time.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The crude answer is Yes , because we have developed a society in which children from a very young age learn to expect that it is their right to do what they want, when they want , and that someone else will always provide for them .

    School, for many now, is just a boring way to spend their day, and even an intrusion into their rights .A quarter of them leave school barely literate and numerate , and most leave without ever developing a real work ethic .

    They are unreliable and functionally useless for the work place -- and yet they expect someone to pay them or the state to provide for them.

    Call this lazy if you like , but the fact is that an increasing proportion of the UK population are simply unfit for purpose .

  • R 99
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    What you mean is RIGHT-wing propaganda, such as the more bigoted parts of the Tory party (and that's saying something).

    Apart from that, you are quite right in your reasoning, and it's not just London, but most of the country.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I'm not aware of any left-wing group or person who has ever suggested that British people are lazy. I think you ought to provide some evidence for that, because your suggestion of it being 'left wing propaganda' is dependent on there being a grain of truth in that allegation. Which there isn't.

    I am aware of employers, typically of Conservative inclination, suggesting that they have to employ foreign workers because British people don't want the work. So is it right-wing propaganda? - it's the farmer saying that. Probably not a left wing source. - that famous 'left-winger' David Cameron - that well known organ of the left, the Daily Mail?

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  • 7 years ago

    It is actually right wing latrine rumour, usually repeated, oddly enough, by pig-ignorant working class Tories, especially if they are proprietors of a shop or garage or small building firm.

    I say, tell it to the miners turned out of their jobs by Thatcher. Tell it to NHS nurses. Tell it to firefighters. Tell it to singlehanded small farmers. Tell it to fishermen, both inshore skippers of family boats and deep water trawlermen.

    Tell it to the Army vets who re-took the Falklands.

    Tell it to the Marines!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I think you'll find that right wing propaganda.

    Above Hoarseman, he us a right winger.

    The MRSA happened because we privatised hospital cleaning! As soon as it went " in house", cleaning got a lot better!!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You need to do like the Polish people do, and move to a different area if you cannot make it alone in London, or find a roommate. London is obviously one of the most expensive places to live in in Britain, so it is up to you to adjust.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Some are bound to be, there are lazy workers all over the world that and drugs are the reason for so many recalls of products.

    Source(s): "BLING FOR THE KING"
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Talk about turning something on its head ---- this is right wing propaganda. Everyone knows that. But then you are right wing so you are bound to be confused and two faced.

  • 7 years ago

    No, but jobs are harder to get in Britain (as they are here under Obama)

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