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Lv 4
Rick asked in SportsAuto RacingNASCAR · 7 years ago

Do you consider Danica Patrick's pit road wreck with Clint Bowyer at Bristol to be driver error or unavoidable accident?

I don't see how losing control of your car at under 30mph (pit road speed limit) and crashing into a parked car can be anything except "driver error". However, the NASCAR talking heads and many liberal news articles are saying it was caused by "mechanical difficulties". I believe that anyone that has watched very many NASCAR races at all knows that the "only had 4th gear" excuse is pure BS. If she only had high gear, the pit crew would have had to help push her car off just to get it launched from the pit stall. What do you think? I am asking the real NASCAR fans, not the 1 million "twits". I know most of them don't know a transmission from a radiator.

12 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Driver error..In 4 Th gear it wouldn't have accelerated that fast.

    It seems she kept her foot on the gas too long also.

    Very avoidable.

  • 7 years ago

    Avoidable. Just Danica being Danica and not driving the car correctly. Looks like she spun the tires coming out of her pit stall and lost grip, ramming into Bowyer.

  • 7 years ago

    With Danica Patrick driving, it was an unavoidable accident. With any other driver it would be driver error. Danica just can't avoid an accident no matter what she does, so you can't blame her for an error. It is normal for her to crash into something, so that can't be called an error on her part.

  • 7 years ago

    Oh, no unavoidable, how's she going to keep that average of wrecking 1 car a week without doing things that look from the outside REALLY dumb ? So inept she can not even handle the car at pit road speeds. ( Sorry girls, but you know if I don';t say it someone else will. )

    Woman driver

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  • 7 years ago

    I was listening to her radio, she only had 4th gear. The crew told her to rev the engine with the clutch in, then once the jack drops to let out of the clutch and floor it. Obviously, she lost control (insert whatever argument you want to make about skill or talent). There was no choice for the crew to push the car due to the shot pit road and the heavy traffic on pit road. She tried to make the best of a bad situation and it bit her.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    Danica is NOT the only driver to have that happen to,( Go back an watch past races if you don't believe me) But trolls will ALWAYS MAKE IT HER FAULT because she is a girl, and they don't like it, AKA sexist trolls

    Do i think She needs to go back to NW or Truck series for a couple years, yes, but i'm not going to sit behind a screen and blame EVERYTHING on her. Unlike other (male) driver Hatters, Her Hatters are pure IDIOTS

  • Josh
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Well, I wasn't in the car, but from the outside looking in, there didn't appear to be anything "unavoidable" about that incident. It looked pretty obvious - she simply lost control of the car.

  • 7 years ago

    Well all that media mob that went on about how she'd be great when she first arrived have to try to justify it somehow.

    As for the pit lane incident, she plain screwed up. Other people have dropped gears before and not done that, so they can't blame it.

  • 7 years ago

    Well newly released video footage that was enhanced clearly shows that she was texting while driving; which several studies have shown it is indeed a female trait.

    Sad but true

    Source(s): A CNN Haters Report
  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    I just watched a replay of it. I really can't explain it. She just had a lapse in judgment. It happens to the best drivers, so no big deal.

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