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Can You Please Tell What are Best Places to Eat in Washington DC? Visiting DC on March 20th.?

What are best places to eat in Washington DC near following attractions:

Want to try some foods outside the attractions.

Whitehouse (looking from outside)

Smithsonian Castle

National Museum of History

Postal Museum

Air Space Museum

US Archives & Records

Library of Congress

If possible can you provide what stations that food places/restaurants will be.

Thank you for your help.

5 Answers

  • DON W
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Library of Congress: the cafeteria on the 6th floor of the Madison Buidling

    Air & Space Museum: there's a large McDonald's at the museum

    Museum of Natural History: their cafeteria

    Museum of American History: their cafeteria

    Smithsonian Castle: there's a small coffee bar there

    National Archives: Walk up 7th Street and you'll find a range of restaurants

    Postal Museum: Walk next door to Union Station. Try "America" on the main level or go down the escalators into the food court.

  • 7 years ago

    Old Ebbitt's near the White House and Natural History Museum.

    We, The Pizza near the Library of Congress.

    Rasika, The Source, Del Campo, Zaytinya, or Luke's Lobster near Archives.

    There are also Teaism locations near the White House and Archives if you want something lighter or if you feel the need to drink the best chai tea you'll ever have.

    Those are what I'd consider your best bets but there are a ton of good places to eat in DC depending on what you want and how much money and time you want to spend.

    America and Zola are both closed.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    OMG my favourite place to eat is CheeseCakeFactory in Friendship Heights, its located in Chevy Chase Pavilion, I just love that place, I love their seafood and their chicken and guess what ?????? Their CAKES :)

    Ok if you want to eat in a healthy but not in formal dining place, then try Panera Bread Franchise which is located in so many places around DC and the states surrounding DC like Maryland and Virginia. Those two states are connected to DC by the same metro line, but of course you have to change stations sometimes.

    I also like Nandos. If you are going to DC then you can also visit Maryland and Virginia as well, there are nice areas in Virginia like Alexandria and they have a nice Mediterranean market which has a restaurant inside.

  • Mrsjvb
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Ben's chili Bowl

    Zola( next to the Spy Museum)

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  • 7 years ago

    Its a place I tried in the Adams Morgan area called Negril if you're into Jamaican/Carribean food. It was so good and you'll definitely get your monies with. My plate had to weigh at least 3lbs. I can't wait to get back to DC. That's going to be my first stop!lol

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