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Murph&Bee asked in PetsDogs · 7 years ago

Why would my 5 month old puppy pee on the couch?

We've had our puppy now for about 3 months, he is a 5 1/2 month old Mini Schnauzer. We're doing a great job on the potty training. 90% of the time he goes to the door to be let out, it seems the other 10% we either don't hear or see him, or he is too excited playing that he just goes.

Last night (Mar 27), he peed on our couch. He has never once shown any inclination of peeing on the furniture (sniffing, etc.). We didn't see it happen as we were cleaning up the kitchen from supper, but found a very large puddle afterwards.

A bit of background info: he got his rabies vaccination on Tuesday (Mar 25), I haven't noticed too much difference in his behaviour as the vet suggested I might. Also, right before we believe the incident happened, he had jumped on the kitchen table, licked the sriracha bottle, and then we yelled at him to get down. Is it possible we scared him?

I'm not so worried about it, but I want to try to prevent it from happening again (obviously). We didn't rub his nose in it or anything like that, I just put him in his crate while I cleaned it up (as he was trying to 'help'). I'm more concerned that we have done something to make him want to pee on the furniture.



If it were a urinary tract issue, would he show any further signs? I just had him at the vet on the 25th for the vaccination and a checkup.

Update 2:

Thanks everyone. I really do think it was just an accident. Just so unexpected!

Marianne - it really has been going very well! We love our Mini so much!!

10 Answers

  • justme
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Mini schnauzers are AWESOME!!! They are SO helpful with anything you do (even cleaning up pee). I just call mine the supervisor, because he ALWAYS has to be right there when Im doing something.

    It was most likely just an accident, and at 5 months should be close to being house broken (but not quite there). Its good to give him some freedom to roam around without constantly watching him, or keeping him crated, but it means sometimes they get in trouble (peeing, chewing something they shouldnt, etc). This is how they learn though, so just clean it up with a good cleaner (I always used Natures Miracles), and keep a little closer eye on him.

    Make sure he goes out and potties before play time, and that should end the peeing while playing.

    My bigger concern would be that he got up on the table! Thats a BIG no no! And should have been corrected immediatly, and never allowed to happen again. Dont even let him on the kitchen chairs.

  • 7 years ago

    just endeavour to stop 'not hearing each other'... its a bad thing in potty training... you need to be 99.9% vigilant with training or theyre going to try their luck at the opportunity. a dog learns through repetition, patience and persistance and the repetition and persistance are a lot higher than 90% of the time... if it is a trickle then theres a chance he's getting hormonal and trying out his dominant side with marking scent (he is about the age where many start) , the same method as potty training is applied in these instances... watch carefully, if you see it about to happen, still peeing, or just happened... scoop him up, run to the door and put him out. its useful to use a word (again repitition) when he pees and also to then start asking for a 'pee' when he's out, to reinforce the training. if it was, however, a flood, then its more likely that he just couldn't keep it in and thought no better of going out. a nervous dog will usually dribble and move along with it, but if he was particularly distracted or had a sudden shock, it could have made an already full bladder empty... but on the success rate of the training so far, i'd say its most likely you just need to complete his training. i had 6 dogs in the same litter house-broken by his age and we had a stairs there... the important thing to remember is to be watchful so you cam act swiftly, as a dog has usually forgotten their 'accident' seconds after it happened

  • 7 years ago

    My bet would be on him being upset at being yelled at, probably also needing to 'go' too. At the moment, don't wait for him to ask! It's easy to get slack when a puppy reaches the point that he's basically house-trained but try to remember when he last went out, and get him out before he needs to ask - say roughly every 3 hours extending to 4 once he is adult. If you are too hard on a youngster, it can so easily all go pear-shaped.

    If he's otherwise dry (overnight is the biggest clue) then I think you can rule out this being a UTI but that should always be considered when a dog acts out of normal, with urination.

    I'd try to make sure he doesn't have the opportunity to get onto the furniture when you are not right there to supervise. And again with the prevention - getting him out regularly still.

  • 7 years ago

    Well, if you guys were in another room he may have just wanted to get your attention. I have a dalmatian and when he was a puppy he would pee in inappropriate places even though he was fully potty trained. What we noticed with this was that he only did it when we were preoccupied and not paying enough attention to him.

    It's nothing that you have done wrong! You have to keep in mind that he is STILL a puppy, and they can continue to have accidents in strange places even if they are potty trained. Just make sure that when he pees in inappropriate places that you don't punish him severely. And when you take him outside to go potty give him LOTS of praise, possibly a treat even if you want to really reinforce that peeing outside is a good thing!

    Source(s): Pet Owner
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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Could be marking territory you should only give her food 2-3 times a day once in the morning and once in the evening do not keep the food lying out all the time. Make sure that whatever you feed her you divide equally during feeding. How much to give her should be on the website or pakage of the brand of food you buy. She should learn to to eat it as soon as it is given to her very soon. 30 minutes after eating take the dog outside and say "outside/potty" or whatever you want. Then wait for her to go. If she dosnt go after 15 minutes take her inside and watch her closely. If she goes outside then praise her and love on her.If she goes inside then bring her very close to the pee or poo and repeat "no outside" multiple times then go outside again for about 5 minutes. Also dont use her kennel as punishment fot going inside, because she should find her kennel as a happy fun place not for punishment. After she is well established in going outside you can lie her food out whenever you want this will be like 6 months-1 year though. If you do this she should be trained between 2week and a month, depending on her intelligence. this may sound complicated but its not just remember: *schedule the feeding *outside after 30 minutes *dont use kennel *and all the other stuff is in the reading ****good luck****

  • 7 years ago

    As a Miniature Schnauzer breeder (retired) this surprises me. Usually this breed is extremely easy to housebreak and a very easy dog to train. It could be he was simply distracted for the moment, or even the fact that you were busy working in the kitchen and didn't see the signs caused the problem. If this was an occasional accident, then I wouldn't be too concerned, but I'm glad to read you didn't punish the dog when it happened.

    Isn't this a fun breed??????

  • 5 years ago

    We have a 17 week Mini Aussie who was accidentally given 2 rabies shots today. Our vet assured us she would be fine. Tonight after being house broken for a month she squats on the sofa and pees. Is this normal with puppies or could it have something to do with her trip to the vet?

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Helll there Murph and Bee. Wanna know more potty training tips with regards to your concern? Try visit Online dog training is one great & accessible way to learn more tips.

    Training would be easy to handle if you already established your role as a leader. Based on experience as a trainer, everything goes absolutely smooooooth afterwards. :)

  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Toilet Training Guide
  • If it is not someth8ng that he does all the time-it may be some type of urinary tract issue??? It might be good just to run him by the vet and get hin checked out, bring his urine sample so they can run a test to check his levels.

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