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How do i simplify this?

How do i simplify this logarithm.


2 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    well you have an lnx^2 in there, and lnx^2=2lnx. So 4lnx^2=8lnx. then e^8lnx=x^8. the other two terms lnx+ln3 can be rewritten as ln(3x). so in total you have

    x^8-ln(3x). Much nicer looking huh?

    Oh and if you meant for the problem to say e^(4lnx^2-lnx+ln3) then you can rewrite as

    e^(8lnx-(ln(3x)))=e^8lnx * e^-ln(3x)=x^8/3x=(x^7)/3

  • alex
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Is it e^(4lnx^2-lnx+ln3) ?

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