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Lv 4
Magik asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 7 years ago

Why do all the Republican economic plans call for more tax cuts for the rich and corporations ?

Dave Camp , Paul Ryan .


Taylor : YOU should read the %&#@ing plan . ALL the Bush tax cuts to the rich remain along with carried interest which means businesses STILL park their profits overseas ( Caterpillar is now a Swiss company reporting only 15 % of their profits in the US ... Used to be 85 % )

Dave Camp is now supporting the exact same plan .

You morons who support that " job creating " mantra /propaganda don't an ounce of sense when it comes to an economy . GREED is your mantra .

Update 2:

The Camp Plan calls for an ADDITIONAL $ 1.7 TRILLION in tax breaks .

Update 3:

Y : GLOBALLY the US ranks number 25 in EFFECTIVE TAX RATES . 1 in 4 PAY NO INCOME TAX . See what the loopholes do to the real job creators , the small businesses ....

Update 4:

gcbtrading : For Heaven's sake . The REAL job creators are CONSUMERS . Without consumers your business model is a piece of paper . Investors are those without the talent to CREATE anything and are the do nothing middle men . People go into business because there is a demand .

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because, as we all know, whenever you cut taxes on the rich and corporations, the first thing they do is run out and hire a bunch of new working class people for the companies they own, whether they need those employees or not. They never, ever, invest their additional income in passive investments, real estate, or anything else, they never pay dividends to themselves, and they never, ever save the money to leave to their already-wealthy trust fund children.

    Yup. That's how it works.

  • y
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I haven't seen any tax cuts for the rich, just business. More or their proposals have to do with overhauling the outdated tax codes. For both, the commercial side and the personal side. They want to bring business back, to do that the environment in which they operate has to be competitive globally. There has to be long term certainty in their controllable expenses so they can plan and budget for the future. The uncertainty over the last 5 years is the reason they have more then 2 trillion sitting on the sidelines. Business doesn't want money hanging around, they want to put it to work to make more money. Give them certainty, make the environment competitive globally, and they will invest that money in labor and equipment. That in turn will demand job growth that will then stimulate this economy.

  • IceT
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Because that's not true! In one of the negotiations over raising the spending limit they wanted to cut out some of the deductions that rich people get which would raise the taxes on the rich but Democrats were against it.

    I love when Democrats whine about trickle down because JFK used it before Reagan did! Which is just more proof that JFK would not be welcome in today's Democrat party.

  • 7 years ago

    Why do so many on Y/A hate on the wealthy? get out there and get rich yourself instead of hating on them for doing something with themselves. In 2013 Americans paid the most taxes we have ever paid in history, and our Country is still in masive debt. All the Libs want is more "revinue" to spend. They will never pay off any of the debt; just the interest.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Because you lie like a rug. Show us the tax cuts for the rich in the Ryan plan.

    I swear, if you people actually read the damn bills/budgets you hate instead of drinking the bs spewed by the left wing rags, we might actually get somewhere in this country

  • bil
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Republicans saw the great depression and great recession and noticed Keynesian "stimulus"...Has never worked...AND communism has a better chance of working than Democrat economic policy

    Source(s): And you can check the USSR, pre WW II Germany, N Korea, Cuba, or any "Peoples Paradise" see how well that "worked"
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Go to an Economics Class. Deerrrr....

  • 7 years ago

    Because allowing investors and job creators to retain their own money makes it available for reinvestment, and that elevates everyone.

  • jimmy
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    conversely, why do ALL Democratic plans call for tax HIKES on all but the extremely impoverished among us?

  • 7 years ago

    ever notice most doctors are more concerned with your heart and other major organs and not so much about whether or not you have all your material need met?

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