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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 7 years ago

Is the bible for real, or just a lot of myths?

Im not trying to disrespect anyones religion or offend anyone I really am not, and if you think I am fine, but you dont even have to answer

, but I finally finished the bible and was like what the F did i just read. Hardly anything is believable in that thing..

Im not saying its not real, cause i don't know if it is or not, but to me it doesn't tell gods true character, and sounds more on the childish side.I think I could be atheist maybe?

Am I the only one who feels this way

Please no nasty comments...

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's metaphorical my friend. It's taken way to seriously by the Christian culture and I believe it contradicts itself it countless ways. So be your own person and believe what makes you happy. :D

  • 7 years ago

    Depends on how deep you want to get into it. Simply, it teaches people to not willingly give away control over their lives to others, to pass knowledge to the next generation (an Arc is a library more or less not a boat) which is why there are very horrific things written to reduce ignorance, also to not make hasty judgements (because you could be wrong, turning your cheek is not passivism but to show that you are no pushover and it clearly says to defend yourself), then it includes obvious advice and no nonsense rules.

    Its written in stories because you can remember that better that just a bunch of ideas written down. The thing is, people don't realize how complex and intelligently written the book is. Over the years, the stories will change as you get wiser. So all I say is, don't insult others and put yourself in spots where somebody will start an argument.

    Me, Im gonna start reading all 3 Abraham religions once per year just to see what and if anything changes. And Im an atheist, because I have realized there is useful information and I don't have to join any club or change who I am to get information from that source.

    To atheists I say: Relax because some of the most intelligent people could not convince any significant amount of people to drop their religion. Because they are still learning it and to them they are bettering themselves. Sometimes people will try to blame religion to try to make themselves look more innocent. All Faith is, is the mental strength to not flip out and be rash. God is not defined in all senses, so imaginary man is not the only way to see it.

    To the religious: DO NOT MAKE UP FANTASIES. Take what you are told and apply it to real life. The 3 Abraham religions say to NOT supplicate to God or gods or idols (teams, political groups etc.) but to be a loving person and respect good and to try to solve issues nonviolently but to do so if necessary.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    If you read the whole Bible you have more guts than I do. There was way too much violence, etc, in the Old Testament, especially. I got to the part about Job when he was depressed last time I picked it up. "No good thing comes of a woman". I put the book down in the darkest corner of the basement, only because it is an 1816 copy, or it would of gone in the trash.

    Since your such an avid reader, read the Urantia Book. It makes sense and in it's 2000 + pages has no contradictions. It tells of a God you can actually love! It tells the Adam and Eve story in post graduate style and it actually makes sense.

  • 7 years ago

    The bible at one point, during the time of Jesus, was real because it was the word of God just like the Torah. However it was lost in translation countless times and altered and changed after Jesus so many times that it has little truth to it and its very different from what the bible was about 20 centuries ago.

    Such is not the case with the Quran as God persevered it. Muslims believe the Quran is the literal word of God and it can only be recited in Arabic which is why its persevered. The interpretation differs from time to time because humans interpit it and its subject to human error but Muslims didnt make the mistake of calling an English interpretation of the Quran a Quran rather they call it a translation of the Quran.

    I will post some surah in the link, listen to the recitation (the word of God) while reading the english interpretation

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  • Lou G
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    One priest told me one day, it was the only honest one I found in my life, "you know" he said, "all this is just a story". He was right, it is only a story, but he could not tell me what the story is all about, and how you have to read it. I found this out myself by deeper studies and using my brain. And I found surprising things in it, it is indeed much more than a simple story, it is quiet complex and written with very high knowledge.

    But as I related, it is pure myths only, it are stories that give us a precise image of what a human being is, and how and where he lives, hos he thinks and acts, and how he pro-creates. It is a total blueprint of the animal called homo sapiens and the user manual to this being.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    A person can better know the true meanings of verses of scripture if he or she practices devotion to the rоѕаrу.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    The bible is merely a collection of stories; nothing more.

    To poster Haley, you are delusional

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    israel is the only nation in existence to be exiled from their homeland multiple times and still retain their ethnicity and their identity as a culture. the fact that they are still a nation to this day residing in their land proves that the God of israel is not only real, but His word (the Bible) is valid.

    40 plus authors, 66 books, the span of 1500 years, 0 corroboration and somehow with synchronicity and perfect harmony the character of Jesus the Messiah the begotten One of YHVH is displayed from the creation to the final judgment of the creation. morons who do not study it make the mistake of calling it mythical and superstitious. those same people will be judged by the word of God - to their detriment and devastation. God is able to do all things, even those supernatural things. He is able to divulge the truth, are you able to receive it... or is it mythical allegories put together to keep you in check?

    the torah, the sayings, the prophets, the gospels and the revelation... these words are faithful and true, from the lips of our Creator. nobody who studies His words will walk away calling them myth. they will press you hard against what is true and disabuse you of all false notions you take comfort in.

  • 7 years ago

    The is bible true. Here's proof:

    "An outspoken Atheist professor of some unknown class, in an unknown university, challenged his students with this question. "Did God create everything that exists?" A student gulped, stood up and answered bravely, "Yes, he did".

    The professor then asked, "If God created everything, then he created evil. Since evil exists (as noticed by our own actions), so God is evil and a child molester." The student couldn't respond to that statement causing the professor to conclude that he had "proved" that "belief in God" was a fairy tale, and therefore worthless.

    Another student raised his hand and asked the professor, "May I pose a question? " "Of course" answered the professor.

    The young Einstein stood up and asked : "Professor do farts exists?"

    The professor answered, "What kind of question is that? ...Of course farts exists... haven't you ever farted?"

    The young student answered, "In fact sir, farts do not exist. According to the laws of Phartics, what we consider farts, in fact is the absence of beans. What we have done is create a term to describe how we fart if we don't have body heat."

    "Shut up and sit down Einstein!" shouted the Professor. "There is no God! Now watch me surf this ****!" The professor then jumped on the desk and started to surf. The students were shocked and dismayed.

    "God, if you are real, then I want you to knock me off this platform. I'll give you 15 minutes! Science *****!"

    Ten minutes went by.

    The professor kept taunting God, saying, "Here I am, God. I'm still waiting."

    The students started to get very bored.

    It got down to the last couple of minutes when the SEAL got out of his chair, went up to the professor, and cold-****** him; knocking him off the platform.

    The professor, noticeably shaken, looked at the SEAL and asked, "What the hell is the matter with you? Why did you do that?"

    The SEAL calmly replied, "God was too busy today letting children starve to death and protecting America's soldiers who are protecting your right to say stupid **** and act like an asshole because Merica, Merrrrrica. So He sent me."

    The student then stood up again and asked the professor, "Sir, does evil exist?" The professor replied, "Of course it exists, that son of a ***** has anger issues!"

    The student responded, "Sir, Evil does not exist. Just as in the previous cases, Evil is a term which man has created to describe the result of the absence of God's presence in the farts of man."

    After this, the professor bowed converted to Islam, and didn't answer back.

    The young man's name: Harry Potter."


  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You have to understand that the bible very much reflects the time in which it was written and therefor the believes of the time. Like noah Its very unlikely that the whole world flooded over mountains but its more the moral of the story and there might of been a flood then also you shouldn't read the bible at face value as its rarely that simple. Whether or not you believe in god or not doesn't really depend on if you believe whys in the bible

  • Moi
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Well we are all judged by it so that's real enough for most of us

    Either live by it and be blessed - or ignore it and be destroyed

    Your choice

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