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Fox says Benghazi is over, done, the clock has run out and Republicans lost. Will Republicans finally stop talking about it?

Another Republican fake scandal goes up in smoke.

For those who deny it was said, here you go:


Wow, the denial continues....

Update 2:

The source doesn't matter, the video and text are verbatim. Again, the denial continues...

9 Answers

  • Bill
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There's your answer, they won't stop talking about it. Some of them are still upset about Obama's birth certificate.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Actually, that's not "Fox" per se, it's Charles Krauthammer, who is a contributor. He does not speak for the station. He's a pretty well-respected guy with a pretty phenomenal history - former chief of psychiatry at Mass General hospital, he is a former speech-writer for Walter Mondale, he has been in the center of things on both sides of the political aisle, he has won a Pulitzer Prize for his syndicated column. He has accomplished all of this after having suffered a diving accident in college, which left him a paraplegic.

    Maybe you should give him a little bit of respect, and try to understand what it is he's trying to say - his point of view is a lot better thought out than yours could ever be.

    Krauthammer is not talking about whether or not the Benghazi investigations have merit, he is not saying that Obama was right and the Republicans were wrong, and he's certainly not saying that this was a "Fake Scandal".

    What he is saying is that the American People have a very short attention span, and that the Republicans did not handle the investigation well. The political climate in this country is such that if you don't move quickly, your time will run out - and that's what happened in this case.

    Unfortunately, it's all a game to some people - and some play it better than others. So the Republicans lost this one - but that doesn't mean that that's right. Obama and his complicit press won - they got away with putting Americans in harm's way and turning their backs on them when it was convenient.

    At this point, the willingly-duped public has tired of this story, so the truth will remain buried. Obama wins, we lose - and the families of Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty will never know who was ultimately accountable for their deaths.

    A bipartisan Senate report has found that the deaths were preventable, that signs were missed all the way up the line - but that, too, is a smokescreen. It doesn't matter - the American People are too tired to listen anymore - which is Krauthammer's point - so I guess we move on.

  • 7 years ago

    no America has lost as low information voting gives a pass to depraved indifference to murder. republicans had absolutely NOTHING to do with it. this was Obama issuing a mindless stand down order, Hillary could and did care less about doing her job and diplomats serving our country were fodder in the carnage.

    whats truly sad here is why you would wonder when we will 'move on'. we find, and correctly so, that a community organizer playing president acting irresponsibly and covering it up to enable murder isn't

    "political diatribe", its real and its sickening in madness and scope.

  • L.T.M.
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Eventually we will find out the truth. Likely after BOzo is nothing but a bad memory.

    Most of the media though has been a disgrace when it comes to their coverage of Beghazi and IRS corruption.

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  • LAN
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    So one commenter said this and you think that this represents everyone at Fox? This just shows me how desperate you are to avoid the truth coming out.

  • 7 years ago

    Tell the family members of the dead that it was a fake scandal. If there was nothing to hide why do so many administration officials keep stonewalling.

  • Marduk
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Lindsay Graham will be crushed. I can see him crying on his couch now! Oh My Stars!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    LOL! Sorry but you lost all credibility when you use '' as a reference. You may as well use The Onion.

  • 7 years ago

    your BIPARTY of BUSINESS is almost OVER!!!

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