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Should Maria Miller stand down as MP?

I know she stood down from her position, but she is still an MP and still only has to pay a small proportion of the tax money she stole.

She has Cameron's support and will most likely get a new cushy job at a later point anyway, so should she step down as MP?

Should she face criminal charges?

Should she pay back the full amount?

What is your opinion on any of these suggestions?

5 Answers

  • Chris
    Lv 5
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes - in a better World/Country/Parallel Universe.

    A correct course of action might not occur to someone that has deceived us and when found out has continued to paint herself as innocent,backed up by our insipid Prime Minister.

    She seemed pleased with herself as she spoke of her media forced resignation as she took full responsibility for the money she has made out of fraudulent actions in deceiving and profiting from the public purse and intends to continue to take responsibility for the next step which is the spending of that money on herself.

    Typical selfish actions that show she is unqualified to lead decent people.

    The fact that so many see little wrong in what she has done shows more about our voting public over the years in which we are at least given the chance to be better informed.

    Our immoral Prime Minister has allowed her to profit from her crimes.

    Britain is as badly led as it has ever been in the last 100 years.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    David Laws - Lib Dem - fiddled thousands of pounds .... said sorry paid it back and was promoted as a ministerial position.

    Hazel Blears .. fiddled thousands an speaks on radio and TV as some born again politician.

    Chris Huhne .. jailed for perjury .... now speaks on Radio 4 as if he is some renowned respectable voice for the people.

    Lord Archer - jailed ... is still a Lord.

    Maria Miller will be judged by her constituency.

    Nigel Farage has pushed for the implementation of the promised "Recall Bill" both Clegg and Cameron promised they would have this Bill if they were elected.... well surprise surprise ... they reneged on this as well as every election manifesto pledge. The "recall Bill" allows the voters to get rid of their MP when they feel this MP has dishonored such an important position in public office. Miller would fit this criterion.

    I just hope the electorate remember Miller - Laws - Blears - and especially CLegg and boot them out in 2015. f they reelect them then I would say that Britain has sunk down the pan into the shytemus.

  • 7 years ago

    You are right on all the points you have made. Cameron should have sacked her in the first instance, because she trousered a profit of £1 million from the sale of her house, after effectively getting the Taxpayer to fund her mortgage.

    Because of the "funny" Parliamentary Rules, which reward MP's for being cheats and dishonest, they have given her £17000 pay-off as she walked out of the door.

    Of course in what we have witnessed for so long, where our glorified PM's walk about with their hands in our pockets, there badly needs to be a system in force where these greedy and unworthy individuals, sshould be made redundant from holding office again.

    Hopefully in the case of Miller, her constituency, will kick her into touch, which will show Cameron that we deserve better.

    As for Criminal charges, its really quite simple. She has and so have many of her associates in Parliament committed Fraud which is an Offence in English Law. It seems that the Director of Public Prosecution (a Government appointment) and the Police are only interested in the ordinary Taxpayers like you and me.

    Where else can you get a job, with a big fat cheque at the end of it, for lying, cheating and being useless at what you do??

    Welcome to British Politics.

    From me to you, have a nice day

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Hi to answer your points yes she should stand down and yes she should face criminal charges and she should repay the money. Miller is not the first to pull this trick Hazel Blears Labour was the first she swapped her house designation 3 times in year to maximise her tax allowance and pulled the same trick as Miller over capital gains tax. She should be in prison but we have been here before the last Labour government tried to conceal Harriet Harmen and 40 other mps repaying wrongly claimed expenses they repaid it in secret. Some of Labour's biggest fraudsters were let off because they did it under a Labour government. But the timing of this scandal is terrible right before the EU elections and Farage has gone to her constituency to claim a high profile scalp before the General Election. Farage will come out on top next month there can be no doubt about it. But Labour's silence before her resignation makes me very suspicious of their motives. All Labour did was say "she had questions to answer". Then when she resigned Labour go on the offensive and say "well the PM got it wrong and she should've been dismissed". But Labour barely hours after Miller resigned come out with this story of how few women Cameron has which is true it's about 12. I believe Labour's goal was never to protect the tax payer but to thin out the number of female Tories so the Tories could be attacked as sexist. I also believe Cameron knew Labour would do this so he stood by her and continues to. Imo Cameron hasn't done this out of weakness although it has been seen by many in public as weak. At the end of the day you have Milliband careerist politician and Cameron careerist politician. Both leading parties full to the brim with careerist politicians. But any politician found stealing from the public purse should be arrested. Labour failed to call for Miller's arrest which they should've if they cared about the public but that was never their goal. And their silence is tacit complicity with the expenses system and MP's fraud. Same goes for the Lib Dems in their silence.

    But like Mandelson she'll be back


    Edit for the down voter if you wish to debate with me then debate do not hide behind the down vote.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Yes, I think she should. But if she does, everyone else who has done dishonourable things should also step down. The best part of that is, there wouldn't be anyone left in parliament.

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