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So How is Obama "The first Black President"?

The guy is 50% Caucasian, 43.75% Semitic (Arab), and 6.25% black African. My source for this includes his father's birth certificate, which lists him as 7/8 Semitic, so his son is 1/16 black African.

He's more Arab than he is Black...and he's Whiter than he is Arab..... So how does that make him "Black"

Shouldn't he be the first Arab-American President?


★Ŕ♡MΛŔƐ★ : So you think a dark skinned Arab couldn't get a cab in New York city? What rock have you been living under?

17 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    He's not the first BLACK president, he's the first BIRACIAL president

    I actually agree with legendary rapper KRS-One, calling Obama black is an insult to his WHITE mother and the WHITE side of his family

    To me in order for Obama to be considered the first black president, he has to be black on ALL SIDES of his family.

    He's not black, he's AFRICAN AMERICAN

  • Feivel
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    He is black.

    Why are some people so consumed with his race? Who cares what color he is?!?! I care about the job he is doing (which I don't think is very good).

    Are people consumed with his race not smart enough to understand political ideology (whether you agree or disagree with him?). Are they only capable of looking at his skin?

    Wow...that's just sad.

    By the way, I know a guy who has a parent who is 3/4 black and 1/4 white and one that is Moroccon and French (both Jewish). His birth certificate says black. His skin is lighter than Obama's and only slightly darker than mine. the 50's he would have been made to sit in the back of the bus....just like Obama would have been. If he would have been considered black for segregation in 1950, he can also be considered black he sits in the white house.

  • 7 years ago

    You are wrong, wrong, wrong. This was made up by Kenneth Lamb and has no basis in reality. Obama's father is clearly black and not Arab. Someone is confusing Arab and Islam.

    No one has seen obama senior's birth certificate.

  • 7 years ago

    Because he is our first black president.

    Obama has self-identified as (and been treated as) black for his entire life. Do you think Halle Berry is black? How about Bruno Mars? Bob Marley? Drew Gooden? Lenny Kravitz?

    And his father is not "7/8 Semitic." His roots are the Luo people of Kenya and Tanzania.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    "Black" is a term that is both subjective and relative.

    What constitutes black in India, South Africa, New Zealand, Austrailia, and the U.S. are often not the same.

    "Black" is a term of brevity, just as "white" is.

    It is much easier to say that Obama is the first black president than it is to say Obama is the first president with visible Sub-Saharan African ancestry. So in order to not become too verbose, we'll stick with "black."

  • 7 years ago

    That's ironic.

    At one time even a single drop of black blood was considered 'black'.

  • 7 years ago

    Hey Socialjustice,

    You can't be a commie and a socialist at the same time. Two different thoughts my friend. I do however agree with everything else you said.


  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    He is preceived to be black.. anyone passing him on the street would say that he is a black man.. Just like Tiger Woods..

  • It is just the same old prejudicial viewpoint that we have been fighting for 165 years.

    50%C + 43.75%S + 6.25%N = N

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Obama self-identifies himself as black. It's the only thing he ever said that I believe.

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