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Lv 4

If you have to accept Jesus as your savior to get in to heaven?

If you have to accept Jesus as your savior to get in to heaven what happens to all those people who never heard of Jesus, like most of Asia, Africa, etc. It's probably about 2/3 of the world that never heard of Jesus through no fault of their own, they were just born in the wrong place. Are they all going to hell? And what about all the people that have ever existed, even more of them never heard of Jesus, even after he was said to be on earth. Are they all in hell too?

If the answer is yes why would we worship a god that sends people to hell through no fault of their own?

If these people get (or got) into heaven anyway, then why does anyone have to believe in Jesus?

I'm looking for what the church actually believes.

19 Answers

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    Hitler and Stalin are in heaven if they accepted Jesus in their final moments (Hitler was already a confirmed Catholic, so he already worshipped, Stalin studied to be a priest in the Orthodox church)

    Meanwhile, Ghandi went to hell, as did millions of children each year who die too young to 'accept Jesus'

    You tell me if that makes any freeking sense.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    We can only find the answer to this question by looking into the character of God. He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he (Deut. 32:4).

    Being a just God, He can not hold us accountable for something we couldn’t possibly have known. And yet Jesus said that no one can come to the Father except through Him. (John 14:6) That means everyone has to have had some opportunity to know God during his or her lifetime.

    In Romans 1:18-20 Paul wrote that the creation makes God’s existence so obvious that men are without excuse. No one can say, “I never heard of you.” 1 Timothy 2:4 and 2 Peter 3:9 both say God doesn’t want anyone to perish but wants everyone to be saved. Jesus said that everyone who seeks Him will find Him. (Matt. 7:7-8). How or when it happens is not important. What is important is that God has promised it in His word.

    The only solution is that every one has to receive at least one bona fide offer of pardon in his or her lifetime. No one can die in ignorance. The fact that we don’t understand how this could happen is irrelevant. God’s character demands it, His love requires it and His power is sufficient to make it happen.

    My own view is that when a person comes to realize there is a God Who created everything, and therefore created him, God will move Heaven and Earth to bring someone to tell him about Jesus. We’re even hearing accounts of Jesus appearing personally to people in their dreams in places where it’s illegal to preach the Gospel.

    But the real issue for you is not whether Asians or Africans are saved. It’s whether or not you are saved. Even if there are unsaved people in this world, what does that have to do with your eternal destiny?

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    First let me tell you that the bible teaches that we DO NOT have the desire to accept God on his terms.

    We want to accept him on OUR own terms. But that cannot happen! So, God draws the sinners that he has elected. Remember the bible teaches that Christ came and died for sinners, because that's what we all are sinners. God draws the person to himself and he gives them a new heat and soul, so they start to have a different way of thinking when nit comes to this world and their luxuries and money.

    ls ones he want to himself.So, the bible clearly states that we cannot do anything to get into heaven.

    God has to do it all. All one can pray is, Lord having had mercy, please have mercy.

    If the Lord has chosen this person to be saved, they will start to see the difference in their life.

    As for the people who you mentioned in Africa and Asia and India, There was a BIG christian missionary trip that went out to all of these countries in 2011. If God want to save anyone there they will get that christian pamphlet or bible and read it and God will do his saving through his word.

    The bible teaches that if someone never received any kind of christian literature and they die, that just mean that the Lord had not elect them any way. The Lord Jesus said, he will not lose any that his Father has given him. God is perfect! He always cover each and everything. Always!!!!. Just like so many people have heard the word and never opened up a bible in their lives, but if God has chosen them, they will hear something about the Lord's gospel and god will draw the if he so choose.

  • 7 years ago

    Your question is the very reason that Jesus commanded believers to go into ALL the world and preach the Good news. He doesn't want that anyone should perish apart from the saving grace of Christ but unfortunately many do. And yes, even people who have never heard- except for children. Until a child reaches the age of accountability- around 12 years old- they are not responsible for their actions or beliefs and therefore are blameless.

    Many missionaries live their whole lives reaching the lost in places like Africa and Asia because they know the urgent need for it. The penalty for sin is death and without the covering of the grace of Christ, that penalty must be paid.

    I know it sounds harsh, I asked my pastor that very question not long ago. He said that's why it's so important for us to spread the word so that people can make the choice for themselves.

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  • 7 years ago

    The New Testament makes it clear that people will be judged according to the light (knowledge of God) that they have. All people have a law, a value system, or an ethic “written on their hearts” (Romans 2:15). These people are not judged for having never heard about Christ, but for the rejection of God of whom they have heard and for the disobedience to the law that is written in their hearts.

    So the question is, “What will you do now that you have heard about Jesus?” Ask God to show you Jesus, and then ask him to show you those that have not heard of him.

  • 7 years ago

    What was the DEVIL doing-

    while holy Moses was preoccupied abandoning Egypt?

    Crunching numbers.

    Proof the Romans did a sloppy job anhilating Babylon?

    Because Daniel continued to babble on.

    Why Sampson's nanny gave him a good spanking?

    For throwing a temple tantrum.

    What was on the other side of the rowboat, when Jeezus demanded his boyfriends to toss out the net there?

    A fish hatchery stocking pond.

    How do insult a christian?

    Tell him/her you sincerely hope they remain one.

  • 7 years ago

    Havent heard this question for a long time. Those who haven't heard of Jesus are judged by the common sense God gives to everyone.

    If you are looking for what the church actually believes you would have to state which church.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    We are all connected, we are all loved and we all go to heaven. Read "Proof of Heaven" true story of life after death by Eben Alexander.Also Nathan E Wheeler NDE testimonial.Do more research there is so much out there about it.Jesus did exist and he is within all of our hearts as is God.

    Source(s): Welfare 30yrs/Life Experience/Interest in Theosophy/Metaphysics/Humanity
  • 7 years ago

    When Jesus said "I am the way... everyone is saved through me", He was referring to His sacrifice on the cross in which He forgave and redeemed everyone. When Jesus said "Those who believe in me will not perish", He was referring to those who follow His teachings which are centered on loving their neighbors whether they're aware of Him or not. It doesn't mean conceiving an opinion of certainty about His existence as this can only happen naturally, not willfully.

    - my opinion

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    You need to talk to a priest. I'm not qualified to quote the church's position on this. I'm sure God sees these people are innocents. It's the ones who know and still reject Him that are doomed.

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