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Ordered a product on Amazon?

Please bear with this. The short version is that I didn't get a book, i opened a claim and got an amazon gift card, i received my book 2 months after I ordered it and now the seller wants me to withdraw my claim which will recharge me the amount I paid.

Long version:

I ordered a book on amazon and the description said it would ship within 10 days (which I assume means arrive within 10 days because actual shipments occur 1-2 days after the order was placed). After I ordered it, the estimated date of arrival was set to a month later. I was mad but I already ordered it so I remained patient. Well the book didn't arrive by the date and I opened a claim, and after exchanged several emails with the seller, he sent out another copy. I had received a gift card from amazon to refund my purchase, but I had gotten the book. Now the seller wants me to withdraw the claim. However, I feel entitled to a refund of my money because the seller took two months to get me my book. It also says on amazon that if I don't get my product two days after the estimated delivery date that I can open a claim.

What should i do? I've never had this problem and I'm really upset.

3 Answers

  • Antst
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    If I understand correctly, you have received an Amazon gift card and the book. You have also requested a refund.

    If this is what has happened, I think you should withdraw your refund request because (1) you have received a gift card for your trouble and (2) a refund is to replace missing or damaged items. You have received your item.

    It does sound like the seller has been very difficult to deal with. They way to deal with this is to leave him a bad review. Bad reviews really do hurt sellers. I never order anything from an eBay or Amazon seller who has less than a perfect rating and I know many people who do the same. Good luck.

  • 7 years ago

    You have your gift card and you have the book, right? That should make you whole, no financial loss.

    Was there a lost shipment? You said the seller send out another copy. Things can get lost, which is why sellers are encouraged to insure packages and ship with delivery confirmation.

    I do not like that this has taken so long to resolve. Since you have the book and the gift card, I don't think the seller really owes you any more. But - just speaking for myself - I'd let the matter stew for a week or two just to give him some time to think about the best way to make his customer happy.

  • 5 years ago

    When trying to manifest, numerous people focus too much on the outside type instead of the internal condition. Exactly what' essential is our internal experience: whether we select to experience love or worry. When we commit to our internal experience of love we start to bring in more love. Lots of people approach Manifestation from a location of "How can I get something to feel much better?" Rather, the focus should be: "How can I feel better and for that reason be an energetic match for drawing in more success into my life?"- and this is simply a part of what you are be getting with this guide , Manifestation Miracle works to make your life better without the preoccupation of tomorrow day.

    Your intentions create your truth. There is no requirement to beat yourself up: just recognizing how your low-level thoughts negatively impact your life is the first powerful action towards altering your experiences. Start this process you will accept the sincerity worrying your low-level thoughts, energy and feelings of disbelief block you from receiving what you desire. When you get clear about the blocks, you can start to clean them up to clear space for positive manifestations take place.

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