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Why do liberals claim the 'parties switched' in the 1960/1970s, yet still claim FDR, JFK and LBJ as their own?

I hear all the time from liberals that the "parties switched" right after civil rights, yet liberals still claim all these figures as theirs?

I mean, I understand the real reason is because Democrats want to pawn off their party's racist history onto Republicans... I just am curious as to why liberals, specifically, can harbor such an absurd idea.

16 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    Democrats, being so ashamed of their own sordid history, will seek out even the smallest, most obvious of ideas in attempt to the laying of claim of the proud history of Republicans.

    It is a very effective tactic, aimed at those ignorant of history and too lazy to do their own research, since they will interpret it as a new revelation, adding to their self appointed intelligence.

    We all know that the Republican controlled Congresses of the 1880's passed almost the exact same civil rights and voting rights Legislation as the 1964 Civil Rights bill only to have the Democrats repeal the Acts during the early part of the 20th century, setting both women and Blacks back 100 years.

    There was no further civil rights legislation proposed until the Republicans, under the Eisenhower Presidency in the latter half of the 1950's proposed civil rights legislation. And, even then all prominent Democrats, including John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson voted against it.

    Now, they would have us believe the false and impossible notion that they somehow magically switched ideologies with the Republican Party during the 1960's.

    Research proves that the Democrats have long been the Party standing against equality and even to this day hold Blacks in slavery, The methods of bondage may have changed and the ideology may be disguised, but never the less, Democrats still have kept the majority of Blacks under their control, dependent on them for food, shelter, clothing, and now, health care on their welfare plantation.

  • 7 years ago

    No deepthroat, it didn't.

    the reason they say that is simple. If you make a lie big enough, and repeat it often enough, people will eventually believe it. Worked for FDR, and for Hitler, and for LBJ, and is currently working for Obama.

    JFK would never be elected by the democrats today, he was a classical liberal. which has nothing to do with the democrat party and hasn't...really ever.. in fact many of his dem counterparts then disliked him.. but whatever. they just revise that too. FDR, in the same vein as Woodrow Wilson, was a terrible person and a devout progressive socialist, and a true BLUE racist through and through.

    Edit: I ask this question of democrats often. Which makes more sense. 2 Huge groups of people just decided to switch their belief systems one day, or that ONE of them decided to start telling everyone that is what happened? Occums razor. The simplest answer is probably the right one. The whole party switching thing makes no logical sense at all. but TELLING everyone you did is easy and good old propaganda has worked for a long long time..

  • 7 years ago

    I have to laugh at people who think political parties are the sum total of racism; either for it or against it. End of political discussion. "You're a racist!" That is very shallow and so ignorant it makes me block people. Look at the answers. "You can look at a map now and tell who was democrat then and who is now" lol. As if nothing else ever happened in the South or that school segregation was never nation wide. Segregated schools and interracial marriage bans were nationwide. Segregation became illegal in 1964 yet the Dems pretend if the Repubs get in control, segregation and slavery will return. lol These people are frauds.

    Also LBJ won his election in 1964 AFTER the Civil Rights Act was passed. Goldwater carried 5 Southern States and AZ, his own state. LBJ won the rest and this was BEFORE the 1965 Voting Rights Act was passed so pretending the parties switched due to the Civil Rights Act is easily disproven. It just didn't happen.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    JFK and George Wallace were both Democrats in 1963.

    Obviously there was NO party switch. People who think so don't know history.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    What happened in the 60s and 70s is that all the democrats in the deep south switched to the republican party over the civil rights issue. The "parties" as a whole did not "switch"

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Liberals like to play both sides of the fence. According to them everything good is liberal and everything bad is conservative. They use the party switch nonsense to justify it.

    Yes, SOME people switched parties (most notably blacks) but the vast majority didn't. What sense would it make for everyone to switch?

  • Jeff S
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Because the ideologies were more moderate back then.

    It is only since the 1980s that the right wing has become so partisan.


    Moral Majority!

  • 7 years ago

    FDR began the movement of progressives into the Democrat party.

    Truman was anti-segregation in the military and angered Democrat Southerners, so they formed the Dixicrats. Also Truman was a moderate, who supported tax cuts and anti-communism aggression.

    Teddy Roosevelt removed Progressives from the Republican party by starting the Progressive Party to defeat Taft.

    Republican Party used to be party of Northern Reformers, who are anti-big business and pro-allowing more democracy for more people.

    Eisenhower ran a Republican Party of moderate centrists, but was heavily criticized by Far-Right Conservatives of Joseph McCarthy and Robert Taft of being "too-liberal"

    Barry Goldwater stated that he was against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 because it was federal intrusion on states rights. He got all his electoral votes from the South and Arizona.

    Nixon ran a Republican Party of law order progressivism. He wanted stronger anti-crime, which appealed to Southerners, so Southerners joined the party.

    Gerald Ford was the last moderate.

  • Sarah
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    The parties themselves didn't switch places, they switched ideologies. Thus, racist southerners who once voted for democrats began voting for republicans. For evidence, you can see a voting map from then and the same map for today, which will show you that the same people and areas of the country that were voting for segregation then are the same people and areas of the country that are voting for the Republican Party today.

  • 7 years ago

    Haven't you learned yet?

    Nothing bad that happened is ever their fault. :o)

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