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  • Are liberals who are against the Iraq war the American equivalent of 'Boko Haram'?

    They would rather no democratic elections take place in Iraq, have a totalitarian dictatorship in power, that girls are still not allowed in schools and that gays get executed.

    Liberals are partying like it's 760 A.D.

    4 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Do people actually believe rich donors excuses for massive campaign donations?

    Like Tom Steyer is donating $100 million this election cycle for the 'environment'... oh yeah sure.

    Or Sheldon Adelson donated gave nearly $50 million in 2012 because he 'loves Israel'.... riiiiight.

    Do people actually believe that is what they are giving money for? I guess cronyism can be done right in front of our faces as long as they purport that money is for a "cause" other than crony kickbacks.

    2 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Why do liberals claim the 'parties switched' in the 1960/1970s, yet still claim FDR, JFK and LBJ as their own?

    I hear all the time from liberals that the "parties switched" right after civil rights, yet liberals still claim all these figures as theirs?

    I mean, I understand the real reason is because Democrats want to pawn off their party's racist history onto Republicans... I just am curious as to why liberals, specifically, can harbor such an absurd idea.

    16 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Why do liberals applaud Obama for causing the largest diversion of income equality in US history?

    Before the Obama administration's 'QE Infinity' program we had correlated growth in wealth. Now the lower class has gone stagnate and the hyper rich are gaining at a breakneck pace.

    Why do liberals pretend Obama in not a marionette of the ultra-rich?

    13 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Why is Obama delaying the healthcare mandates for businesses, but not for individuals?

    Will we ever get a President who is not a total crony?

    6 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Isn't this essentially how Democrats ruined our economy?


    1) 1977: Jimmy Carter (D) signs the Community Reinvestment Act, guaranteeing home loans to low-income families.

    2) September 14, 1993 Bill Clinton (Democrat) signs NAFTA bill, killing US jobs

    3) December 08, 1994 Bill Clinton (Democrat) signs GATT, killing US jobs

    4) September 03, 1998, HUD publishes report damning FREDDIE MAC and FANNIE MAE for not lending home loans to unqualified blacks and Mexicans. EEOC charges that FREDDIE MAC and FANNIE MAE create "hostile" work environment toward blacks.

    5) 1999: Bill Clinton (D) puts the CRA on steroids, pushing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to increase the number of sub-prime loans.

    6) March 02, 2000, Franklin D. Raines (Democrat) chairman of FANNIE MAE pledges to open lending to unqualified blacks and Mexicans.

    7) October 10, 2000 Bill Clinton (Democrat) signs U.S.-China Relations Act of 2000, killing US jobs

    8) April 2001, Bush administration raised red flags over massive low-documentation loans by FNMA

    9) September 30, 2002, African-American Safiyyah Rahmaan, (Democrat) sues FANNIE MAE for not lending to enough unqualified blacks.

    10) September 10, 2003, Treasury Secretary John Snow (Republican) recommends to the House Financial Services Committee to impose controls on FANNIE MAE and FREDDIE MAC. Barney Frank (Democrat) and Maxine Waters (Democrat) object to controls.

    11) October 2003, less than a month later, Fannie Mae disclosed 1.2 billion dollars in "accounting errors".

    12) November 2003, Bush Administration increases warnings of toxic loans made by FANNIE MAE.

    13) December 21, 2004, Franklin Raines (Democrat) resigns from FANNIE MAE.

    14) February 2005, Bush budget plan exposes potential disaster from FANNIE MAE loans.

    15) February 17, 2005, Alan Greenspan recommends limits on FANNIE MAE lending.

    16) April 6, 2005, Senator Chuck Schumer (Democrat) refutes placing limits on FANNIE MAE.

    17) June 2005, Deputy Secretary of Treasury, Samuel Bodman (Republican) warns of risks caused by FANNIE MAE lending to unqualified lenders.

    18) April 2006, Goldman Sachs sold $494 million of securities on toxic FANNIE MAE loans.

    19) May 25, 2006, Senator John McCain (Republican) warns of risks of slack limits on FANNIE MAE lending.

    20) August 2007, Bush (Republican) asks Congress to put through limits on FANNIE MAE lending.

    21) December 2007, Bush (Republican) warns Congress to hurry limits on FANNIE MAE lending.

    22) March 2008, Bush (Republican) warns Congress again.

    23) April 2008, Bush (Republican) warns Congress again.

    24) April 2008, Goldman Sachs donates $1,000,000 to Obama campaign.

    25) April 2008, AIG donates $630,000 to Obama campaign.

    26) April 2008, Morgan Stanley donates $485,823 to Obama campaign.

    27) May 03, 2008, Bush (Republican) warns Congress again.

    28) May 19,2008, Bush (Republican) warns Congress again.

    29) May 31, 2008, Bush (Republican) makes radio address warning Congress to pass limits on FANNIE MAE.

    30) June 2008, Bush (Republican) warns Congress again.

    31) July 2008, Congress finally passes a reform bill on FANNIE MAE lending.

    32) November 4, 2008, Obama elected president.

    33) December 18, 2008 House Oversight and Government Reform Committee conducts further hearings into FANNIE MAE and FREDDIE MAC.

    34) February 17, 2009, Hussein Obama (Democrat) signs bailout program.

    35) March, 2009, AIG reports $62,000,000,000 loss.

    36) April 2009, Goldman Sachs reports $780,000,000 loss.

    37) April, 2009, Morgan Stanley reports $1,300,000,000 loss.

    38) American taxpayers get stuck in the a$$ with over $787,000,000,000 in bailouts

    10 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Has anyone yet to figure out the "flexibility" Obama was offering Russia prior to his reelection?

    He was caught on open mic saying this:

    What exactly was he talking about, I find it odd no one has asked him about this. Granted we do have one of the worst collection of media outlets in the world. Anyone?

    3 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Isn't this essentially how Democrats ruined our economy?


    1) 1977: Jimmy Carter (D) signs the Community Reinvestment Act, guaranteeing home loans to low-income families.

    2) September 14, 1993 Bill Clinton (Democrat) signs NAFTA bill, killing US jobs

    3) December 08, 1994 Bill Clinton (Democrat) signs GATT, killing US jobs

    4) September 03, 1998, HUD publishes report damning FREDDIE MAC and FANNIE MAE for not lending home loans to unqualified blacks and Mexicans. EEOC charges that FREDDIE MAC and FANNIE MAE create "hostile" work environment toward blacks.

    5) 1999: Bill Clinton (D) puts the CRA on steroids, pushing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to increase the number of sub-prime loans.

    6) March 02, 2000, Franklin D. Raines (Democrat) chairman of FANNIE MAE pledges to open lending to unqualified blacks and Mexicans.

    7) October 10, 2000 Bill Clinton (Democrat) signs U.S.-China Relations Act of 2000, killing US jobs

    8) April 2001, Bush administration raised red flags over massive low-documentation loans by FNMA

    9) September 30, 2002, African-American Safiyyah Rahmaan, (Democrat) sues FANNIE MAE for not lending to enough unqualified blacks.

    10) September 10, 2003, Treasury Secretary John Snow (Republican) recommends to the House Financial Services Committee to impose controls on FANNIE MAE and FREDDIE MAC. Barney Frank (Democrat) and Maxine Waters (Democrat) object to controls.

    11) October 2003, less than a month later, Fannie Mae disclosed 1.2 billion dollars in "accounting errors".

    12) November 2003, Bush Administration increases warnings of toxic loans made by FANNIE MAE.

    13) December 21, 2004, Franklin Raines (Democrat) resigns from FANNIE MAE.

    14) February 2005, Bush budget plan exposes potential disaster from FANNIE MAE loans.

    15) February 17, 2005, Alan Greenspan recommends limits on FANNIE MAE lending.

    16) April 6, 2005, Senator Chuck Schumer (Democrat) refutes placing limits on FANNIE MAE.

    17) June 2005, Deputy Secretary of Treasury, Samuel Bodman (Republican) warns of risks caused by FANNIE MAE lending to unqualified lenders.

    18) April 2006, Goldman Sachs sold $494 million of securities on toxic FANNIE MAE loans.

    19) May 25, 2006, Senator John McCain (Republican) warns of risks of slack limits on FANNIE MAE lending.

    20) August 2007, Bush (Republican) asks Congress to put through limits on FANNIE MAE lending.

    21) December 2007, Bush (Republican) warns Congress to hurry limits on FANNIE MAE lending.

    22) March 2008, Bush (Republican) warns Congress again.

    23) April 2008, Bush (Republican) warns Congress again.

    24) April 2008, Goldman Sachs donates $1,000,000 to Obama campaign.

    25) April 2008, AIG donates $630,000 to Obama campaign.

    26) April 2008, Morgan Stanley donates $485,823 to Obama campaign.

    27) May 03, 2008, Bush (Republican) warns Congress again.

    28) May 19,2008, Bush (Republican) warns Congress again.

    29) May 31, 2008, Bush (Republican) makes radio address warning Congress to pass limits on FANNIE MAE.

    30) June 2008, Bush (Republican) warns Congress again.

    31) July 2008, Congress finally passes a reform bill on FANNIE MAE lending.

    32) November 4, 2008, Hussein Obama elected president.

    33) December 18, 2008 House Oversight and Government Reform Committee conducts further hearings into FANNIE MAE and FREDDIE MAC.

    34) February 17, 2009, Hussein Obama (Democrat) signs bailout program.

    35) March, 2009, AIG reports $62,000,000,000 loss.

    36) April 2009, Goldman Sachs reports $780,000,000 loss.

    37) April, 2009, Morgan Stanley reports $1,300,000,000 loss.

    38) American taxpayers get stuck in the a$$ with over $787,000,000,000 in bailouts

    11 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Was Obama gifting Russia our military secrets the "flexibility" he talked about during the elecitons?

    A guy works at a place for a few weeks, gets a bunch of seemingly high-level secrets and immediately flies off to Russia (via China)... is that the flexibility Obama offered to Putin?

    5 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Since there's no system in place to confirm income, who's going to get their insurance subsidized?!?

    You could be a millionaire and get your health insurance subsidized, they have no way to check this, because this law is hot mess.

    Will you be getting your subsidy?

    11 AnswersPolitics8 years ago