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? asked in PetsOther - Pets · 7 years ago

My female rabbit has abscess?

A few days ago I noticed my rabbit had a bump next to her mouth but I thought she was just eating food so I ignored it. Today, I picked her up and noticed it's a ball/bump that looks like it's filled with pus. I searched it up and got abscess as a result. I will take her to the vet but is this easily curable? Also, I know there is never a set price for vets but what is the average price to get this abscess cured? Please help ASAP. I don't want to put my bunny down, but if I have to I will.

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    First calm down. Most abscess are treatable. You do need to get her into the vet asap call in the morning.

    Treatment will depend on what tissue is involved. If only soft tissue great news. Generally the abscess will be lanced, drained, the surrounding area debried and antibiotics will be prescribed. If tooth root or bone is involved the treatment will be more complicated. Here possible extraction, possibly surgery to debried infected bone tissue and possibly antibiotic bead implant. Does the lump move when manipulated? does it feel like it is just under the skin? Then likely only soft tissue is involved. There will be need for followup treatment at home to keep the area open so it heals from the inside out, typically daily flushing of the area. Again don't panic wait to see what your vet says after evaluated. Let us know how you make out at the vet.

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