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  • PayPal is asking me for my Tax ID? What do I do?

    I'm underage, using Paypal. Which I know it's a bad idea because Paypal will eventually find out I lied about my age. Anyway, I'm an eBay seller and I've made almost 200 sales. PayPal asked me today to add my Tax ID or SSN, which I can't do. I used to have a different PayPal account which was limited because when I gave them my SSN, they found out I was underage. These are exact words from PayPal:

    We'll use your tax ID number to send tax Form 1099-K to you and the IRS when the payments you receive exceed both of these milestones in a calendar year: $20,000 in gross payment volume for goods and services

    200 payments

    Providing your tax ID number now will help you continue to sell with PayPal and avoid any interruption to your account. Please provide your tax ID number today.

    It says if I exceed BOTH $20k in gross payment and 200 payments. So even though I almost made 200 sales, am I still safe because I have not made anywhere near $20k? I don't want my account being limited again, and I have a lot of money in my PayPal account and I'm scared I will lose it if PayPal limits my account in the next couple of days. Please help!

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance5 years ago
  • Can we last? Do relationships this young usually last?

    I have a boyfriend right now and he's 17, I'm 16. I remember the first time we talked, we got a long SO well which is rare for me because I usually get bored of people fast. We have so much a like and it felt like we've known each other since forever. We started dating a couple months after knowing each other and currently we are in a happy relationship. However, it is hard at times because I have unstable relationships with people. By that I mean my dad *most* of the time. I don't have an unstable relationship with my boyfriend but I do make it hard sometimes. I have Borderline Personality Disorder and am currently getting better from suffering from major depression. Anyway, he is the most amazing person I have ever met. We make each other happy, we accepted our flaws and we're just very happy together. However, I do have a bad habit of thinking of negative things that can come from good things. I want to last with my boyfriend. He makes me feel a happiness I haven't felt in so long. I know some of you are going to say that we need to "experiment" with other people which is true but we both already know what we like and dont like and what we want. He's been sexually active before and I've been with guys before too. I'm just scared of losing him and I guess I want some reassurance that we can make it together. There's a couple at our school that have been together since 7th grade, they are both now juniors and I admire how they have been together for so long. What do u think?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Is it safe to feed wild birds pet bird food?

    A couple days ago, an injured bird was in my driveway. He couldn't fly but he was trying to. I gave him food and water. He left a few hours later. He came back today, but I noticed he can fly now. He also looks a lot healthier. Before, he was just fluffed up in a ball but now he's walking normal and his head is lift up. I gave him food and water again. However, the food I'm feeding him is pet food. It's for my Green Conure. Is that food safe for this wild bird? The bird is a White Dove. I will continue to take care of him since I already did since the day he was at my house, injured.

    4 AnswersBirds7 years ago
  • How to open a rabbits abscess?

    My rabbit developed 3 abscess' on her face about a month ago. I managed to open two and squeeze out the pus (they came back a couple times but I just squeezed out the pus again). But my rabbit has an abscess on her chin, which keeps growing because I can't treat it. It gets bigger every few days. It's pretty firm/rough. I can feel all the pus in there but I can't seem to open it up. How can I open her abscess so I can cure her? I thought about putting her down because of all the pain she is going through. HELP

    1 AnswerOther - Pets7 years ago
  • Is it safe to give PayPal my passport?

    My PayPal account has been limited for a couple weeks because they do not have enough information on me. They said they need an ID, divers license, or a passport picture. They want me to fax it to them. Is it safe to take a picture of my passport and fax it to PayPal? Can they track me down with some information that's on my passport? I am not taking a picture of the entire passport either

    2 AnswersSecurity7 years ago
  • Accepting different payment methods on eBay?

    I'm selling things on eBay, and I know the value I sold within the past 31 days. I linked eBay to my PayPal account so I could get paid that way, but PayPal has limited my account because I did not give them enough information about me. So has of now, I do not have access to my PayPal. How can I change the payments methods on eBay (like how I want people to pay my items)? And how do I change the way I receive my money on eBay? Is there any way I can receive my payments straight to my credit card? Thanks

    1 AnswerSmall Business7 years ago
  • Should I put my rabbit down?

    I have a rabbit who recently developed abscess' on her face. I took her to the vet to see if she could be treated professionally but the bill was $900 and we do not have that money. We had the option to try to cure her at home though. The vet gave us medicine and instruction on what to do with my rabbit. The bumps filled with pus were going away, but they came back about a week ago. Whenever I squeeze out the pus, she jumps and tries to run away... So I know she's in pain. I HATE seeing her like this. I love her, so I'm willing to have her put down if that's the only thing that will stop her from suffering. It pains me to think about it, but I'm just confused. Would it be a good idea to put her down? The abscess would just keep coming back and I'd still have to do the same process over and over. How much does it usually cost to have a pet be put down? I know prices are never set, but what's the average? Thanks.

    3 AnswersOther - Pets7 years ago
  • How to unlimit my PayPal and accept my payments?

    My PayPal got limited a couple days ago. It said to go to the Resolution Center to see what I can do to unlimit my account under the "Cases" list but there is nothing there. I also have money in my PayPal account I don't want lost or stolen and I DO NOT want to wait 180 days to get my money. I emailed PayPal several times but they still have not gotten back to me. I sold something on eBay and I don't have any way to get a shipping label and get my payments. What can I do? Help asap. Thanks

    1 AnswerSmall Business7 years ago
  • My PayPal account is limited?

    My PayPal account was limited because they say "I'm not 18". I have money in there that I need to put into my bank. I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE MY MONEY LOST OR STOLEN. How do I unlock my PayPal account so I can at least get my money back? I emailed them several times and they just send me automatic emails, not an actual person writing to me. I was told my account would be limited for 180 days. HELP

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance7 years ago
  • Incorrect shipping date on shipping label?

    I sold something on eBay and I created a shipping label for it. However, when I created the shipping label I forgot to edit when I was going to ship. The label says I'm shipping 5/15 (today) but I can't ship today so I'm shipping tomorrow 5/16. Will they accept my package with an incorrect shipping label? I wanted to create a new one but I'd have to pay another $6 so I'd be losing money from my sale. I thought about voiding the label, but will that cancel the purchase? I wanted to contact eBay but they only have the option to call them, which I don't want to do.

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance7 years ago
  • Should I order from Brandy Melville?

    So I love shopping. I really like the store Brandy Melville but they don't have any near where I live. The closest one to where I live is about 5 hours away in NY. I'm thinking about placing an order online but I hear lots of bad reviews on stuff like bad customer service, packages getting lost etc. But I also hear good reviews. Would it be a good idea to pay with PayPal to be safe? Have you had a personal experience shopping online at Brandy? What are other stores like BM? Please do not say Urban Outfitters, American Apparel, Forever 21, Foreign Exchange, etc. thank you!

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • How to cure my rabbits abscess?

    One of my rabbit got an abscess on her cheek. She has 3 bumps now, but one is almost gone since a lot of pus from it came out. We did take her to the vet, but it cost $900 to cure it there, so the vet said we can try at home. He did give me oral medication to give to her and a cream to apply on the infection. She has an open abscess but I can't seem to squeeze the pus out. I don't wanna squeeze it too hard and rupture it and hurt her. She has another bump on her neck but it's covered in fur. Can I shave it? Are there any easy ways to get the pus out the bump? And she did come in contact with my other bunnies, will they catch the infection too? Right now they all see fine to me. Please help ASAP. And I know abscess' come back, and since we can't afford to get her cured at the vets, is this something I'd have to put her down for? Oh and can rabbit abscess be contagious to humans?

    1 AnswerOther - Pets7 years ago
  • My rabbits nose it wet?

    Today I was petting my rabbit and his nose was wet. I didn't see or feel any discharge or mucus. Will he be okay? I will probably take him to the vet, the things is, is I already have to take my other pets to the vet and we can't be spending too much money. I also just took my other sick rabbit to the vet a few days ago And i don't want it to seem like I don't take care of my pets. :( help asap. I read it can be the snuffles, and if it is, how is it cured and on average how much does it cost to get it cured? Whats the average price range?

    2 AnswersOther - Pets7 years ago
  • I peeled my skin and now its red?

    I had a fresh acne scar thing in the middle of my nose which is getting better but, a few days ago I peeled it and now there is a BIGGER mark and it's red. It really brings down my self esteem. I put ice on it and aloe vera gel but it doesn't help much. I go back to school tomorrow and I don't wanna go with this thing in the middle of my nose. Help asap please

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • My female rabbit has abscess?

    A few days ago I noticed my rabbit had a bump next to her mouth but I thought she was just eating food so I ignored it. Today, I picked her up and noticed it's a ball/bump that looks like it's filled with pus. I searched it up and got abscess as a result. I will take her to the vet but is this easily curable? Also, I know there is never a set price for vets but what is the average price to get this abscess cured? Please help ASAP. I don't want to put my bunny down, but if I have to I will.

    1 AnswerOther - Pets7 years ago
  • How to get rid of brown discoloration from acne?

    So I messed with a small pimple on my nose ONE MONTH ago and there is still discoloration left behind. It's a big brownish pink spot and it's so annoying. It does peel though. It peeled today but I can still see the spot. When I apply makeup on it, the foundation thing says it has sunscreen or something in it. I also apply aloe vera gel on it every night. Are there any CHEAP ways to QUICKLY get rid of this spot? It isn't lifted or a hole. Do not recommend a dermatologist. Thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • How to get rid of red brown purple discoloration from acne?

    I have a big red,brown purple spot on my nose from a little pimple I messed with one month ago. It really brings down my self esteem, plus I'm going on vacation in a few days and I don't want this ugly thing in the middle of my nose while I'm out on vacation. The scar isn't lifted or deep. I put a big glob of aloe vera gel on it every night but it doesn't get rid of the discoloration. are there any home remedies? My mom doesn't want to buy any products. For home remedies, don't include honey or baking soda, i don't hAve those. Please help asap. And do not recommend going to a dermatologist.

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • Best site to sell concert tickets?

    I want to sell two concert tickets to a One Direction concert. I have listed both of them on Stubhub, but they have not sold yet. I would like to sell them ASAP because I need the money. Any tips or other sites to sell concert tickets?

    2 AnswersSmall Business7 years ago

    About a month ago I picked on a small pimple on my nose. It got worse and I continued to pick on it so it got even more worse. Now there is a big red dot in the middle of my nose. The scar is not deep. It doesn't even look it goes down into a hole. But it's still bright red. I use make up to cover it but it is still noticeable. I tried putting ice on it every night, put apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and hydrogen peroxide. None of them really helped. It's really bringing down my self esteem. I read that the aspirin mask works good, but we don't hAve any and my mom refuses to buy it. Are there any home remedies that can help the curing process for my ugly scar? Please, no honey or baking soda. I do not have those at the moment. Any personal experiences with curing an acne scar on your face? Oh, and please DO NOT recommend me to go see a doctor/dermatologist or to get laser removal. I'm not gonna spend time and money on that ****. Please help ASAP. I'm desperate at this point to get rid of this hideous scar on my nose

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years ago