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I peeled my skin and now its red?

I had a fresh acne scar thing in the middle of my nose which is getting better but, a few days ago I peeled it and now there is a BIGGER mark and it's red. It really brings down my self esteem. I put ice on it and aloe vera gel but it doesn't help much. I go back to school tomorrow and I don't wanna go with this thing in the middle of my nose. Help asap please

2 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    Well, first off. You have to let it heal. But, I totes understand what youre going through so... Id...just use Neosporin on it overnight and all day and it should heal up some. It may not completely go away, but it helps.

  • 7 years ago

    It takes time to heal, it will be red for a week or so

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