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? asked in Computers & InternetSecurity · 7 years ago

Is it safe to give PayPal my passport?

My PayPal account has been limited for a couple weeks because they do not have enough information on me. They said they need an ID, divers license, or a passport picture. They want me to fax it to them. Is it safe to take a picture of my passport and fax it to PayPal? Can they track me down with some information that's on my passport? I am not taking a picture of the entire passport either

2 Answers

  • Allan
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    is this based on an e-mail you received telling you your PayPal account was "limited"?

    If so you've been scammed.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    NEVER trust an e-mail saying click a link, (or send mail/fax like you have there) to 'resolve' some account trouble.

    It's almost certainly a phishing scam.

    Ignore that entire thing & report it so.

    When you do get something of this kind use your normal methods to the official service being mentioned.

    Links, phone numbers, fax #'s, etc. are often in control of those seeking to get information about you for evil deeds.

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