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? asked in Business & FinanceSmall Business · 7 years ago

How to unlimit my PayPal and accept my payments?

My PayPal got limited a couple days ago. It said to go to the Resolution Center to see what I can do to unlimit my account under the "Cases" list but there is nothing there. I also have money in my PayPal account I don't want lost or stolen and I DO NOT want to wait 180 days to get my money. I emailed PayPal several times but they still have not gotten back to me. I sold something on eBay and I don't have any way to get a shipping label and get my payments. What can I do? Help asap. Thanks

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    First you must keep in mind that PayPal and eBay are owned and operated by kids. The only reason they are one of the biggest is that they were one of the first in their respected areas. When it come to buyers and sellers, they always favor the buyer. That's explains their chaotic policies. In your case someone must have opened up a case against you for one reason or another. This freezes your account until the issue is resolved. I know it's all bull and a bad way to do treat the sellers but what do you want from a bunch of kids. Even tho you can't get access to your money you still can print out shipping labels for items that you sell. Go to the Print Shipping Label page and on your lower right of the screen you can check the box "Pay when funds are available." Then when the funds become available to you again PayPal will deduct the shipping cost from your account. They don't want to shut you down, they just want to force you to kiss the buyers rear. This makes them look good in the buyers eyes. They think screwing the seller is always good business. I feel ya there fellow seller. Just keep the emails going and recheck to see if the case has shown up yet. I am surprised the CASE wasn't posted right away. Maybe the IRS froze your account. Just asking...

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