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? asked in Business & FinancePersonal Finance · 7 years ago

My PayPal account is limited?

My PayPal account was limited because they say "I'm not 18". I have money in there that I need to put into my bank. I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE MY MONEY LOST OR STOLEN. How do I unlock my PayPal account so I can at least get my money back? I emailed them several times and they just send me automatic emails, not an actual person writing to me. I was told my account would be limited for 180 days. HELP

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    1. If you are 18, you fax them your driver's license and a utility bill.

    2. If you are not 18, you wait the 180 days and they will mail you a check as part of the process of shutting your account down.

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