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? asked in PetsBirds · 7 years ago

Is it safe to feed wild birds pet bird food?

A couple days ago, an injured bird was in my driveway. He couldn't fly but he was trying to. I gave him food and water. He left a few hours later. He came back today, but I noticed he can fly now. He also looks a lot healthier. Before, he was just fluffed up in a ball but now he's walking normal and his head is lift up. I gave him food and water again. However, the food I'm feeding him is pet food. It's for my Green Conure. Is that food safe for this wild bird? The bird is a White Dove. I will continue to take care of him since I already did since the day he was at my house, injured.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I feed any clean seed and pellets left on the bottom of the cage to the outside birds. They love it once they decide it's edible. The cardinals chow down on the fruit flavored Zupreme. It surprised me because at my last home they wouldn't touch it. If your neighbors feed birds they come to your feeding area to see if the pickings are better. They are not loyal and go for the best goodies. We also feed wild bird food from Agway . We feed the cornless mix as the corn has a tendency to get damp and spoil in our area. Starlings eat anything. Blue jays and cardinals love sunflower and safflower seeds. Hang a suet cake & watch the fun.

  • 7 years ago

    That's awesome! You may have saved that bird's life. Many karma points for you! Yeah, of course it's safe. Probably even better for him. But, its so much cheaper to buy wild bird food, and it comes in tons. If you think your new feathered friend may stay around a bit, maybe you should think about buying a bag.

    Source(s): Bird lover all my life. Right now i own an Indian Ringneck and a Baby Quaker Parrot im handfeeding.
  • 7 years ago

    Yes it safe for him just like any bird

  • Kim R
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Yes, that's fine for him. I'm glad he's doing better!

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