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? asked in Beauty & StyleFashion & Accessories · 7 years ago

Should I order from Brandy Melville?

So I love shopping. I really like the store Brandy Melville but they don't have any near where I live. The closest one to where I live is about 5 hours away in NY. I'm thinking about placing an order online but I hear lots of bad reviews on stuff like bad customer service, packages getting lost etc. But I also hear good reviews. Would it be a good idea to pay with PayPal to be safe? Have you had a personal experience shopping online at Brandy? What are other stores like BM? Please do not say Urban Outfitters, American Apparel, Forever 21, Foreign Exchange, etc. thank you!

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    I haven't myself had experience ordering from Brandy. But my friend does. She ordered 3-4 items about 2 months ago and still hasn't arrived. Customer service won't help. Maybe different locations are different, (We live in KS) but she had an awful experience with it.

    I'm not sure on other stores like Brandy. You didn't list these so i'll put them just in case:

    Wet Seal

    Charlotte Russe


    American Eagle

    PacSun (some stores actually contain some Brandy Melville products!)

    Body Central

    Rue 21

    These are just stores I shop at, I didn't if these were in your "etc." category.

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