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About a month ago I picked on a small pimple on my nose. It got worse and I continued to pick on it so it got even more worse. Now there is a big red dot in the middle of my nose. The scar is not deep. It doesn't even look it goes down into a hole. But it's still bright red. I use make up to cover it but it is still noticeable. I tried putting ice on it every night, put apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and hydrogen peroxide. None of them really helped. It's really bringing down my self esteem. I read that the aspirin mask works good, but we don't hAve any and my mom refuses to buy it. Are there any home remedies that can help the curing process for my ugly scar? Please, no honey or baking soda. I do not have those at the moment. Any personal experiences with curing an acne scar on your face? Oh, and please DO NOT recommend me to go see a doctor/dermatologist or to get laser removal. I'm not gonna spend time and money on that ****. Please help ASAP. I'm desperate at this point to get rid of this hideous scar on my nose

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    X out, proactive, a bunch of other acme treatments, etc etc. You gotta spend some money man.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    dear watch you tube videos

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