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? asked in PetsOther - Pets · 7 years ago

My rabbits nose it wet?

Today I was petting my rabbit and his nose was wet. I didn't see or feel any discharge or mucus. Will he be okay? I will probably take him to the vet, the things is, is I already have to take my other pets to the vet and we can't be spending too much money. I also just took my other sick rabbit to the vet a few days ago And i don't want it to seem like I don't take care of my pets. :( help asap. I read it can be the snuffles, and if it is, how is it cured and on average how much does it cost to get it cured? Whats the average price range?

2 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    What Caroline said is accurate but if you already had a sick rabbit then it's very possible any rabbits nearby/came in contact with the sick rabbit/you touched the sick rabbit then the healthy one, that any other rabbit may be sick as well. If the nose is only wet and the rabbit doesn't show any symptoms before you go to the vet, then don't take her. But if the rabbit shows signs of any of the listed in Caroline's response, or if you wish to be sure, bring the rabbit to the vet.

    Source(s): Fostered sick rabbits
  • 7 years ago

    Rabbits will often get their noses wet from sticking it under water. Sometimes they can have slightly runny nose from allergies, too. It's nothing to worry about. Only start worrying if they sneeze frequently or have a lot of discharge, especially white discharge.

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