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? asked in PetsOther - Pets · 7 years ago

How to open a rabbits abscess?

My rabbit developed 3 abscess' on her face about a month ago. I managed to open two and squeeze out the pus (they came back a couple times but I just squeezed out the pus again). But my rabbit has an abscess on her chin, which keeps growing because I can't treat it. It gets bigger every few days. It's pretty firm/rough. I can feel all the pus in there but I can't seem to open it up. How can I open her abscess so I can cure her? I thought about putting her down because of all the pain she is going through. HELP

1 Answer

  • 7 years ago

    Look for ways to STOP them from forming.

    Such as Food Grade Diatomaceous earth / Fossil Shell Flour (internally & externally);

    Virgin Coconut oil (at least externally),

    and other natural remedies and foods.

    Just use the recommended amounts for a rabbit, or other animal the size of your rabbit.

    'DE' provides the mineral silica, which is very important for the skin.

    It also absorbs toxins & kills some bacteria. . . .

    Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth

    ---Facts & Information

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