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? asked in PetsOther - Pets · 7 years ago

Should I put my rabbit down?

I have a rabbit who recently developed abscess' on her face. I took her to the vet to see if she could be treated professionally but the bill was $900 and we do not have that money. We had the option to try to cure her at home though. The vet gave us medicine and instruction on what to do with my rabbit. The bumps filled with pus were going away, but they came back about a week ago. Whenever I squeeze out the pus, she jumps and tries to run away... So I know she's in pain. I HATE seeing her like this. I love her, so I'm willing to have her put down if that's the only thing that will stop her from suffering. It pains me to think about it, but I'm just confused. Would it be a good idea to put her down? The abscess would just keep coming back and I'd still have to do the same process over and over. How much does it usually cost to have a pet be put down? I know prices are never set, but what's the average? Thanks.

3 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    As much as I don't want to say this, that can hurt your rabbit very badly. So if he/she is suffering (I only skimmed it) then you should put them down. You don't want your rabbit to suffer

    Good luck!

    Source(s): Rabbit owner
  • 7 years ago

    It is usually around $40 to put a pet down via vet lethal injection. It sounds like the best option if she's suffering can you can't treat her or afford to.

  • 7 years ago

    Give her all the vegetable/carrot/fruit needed. It will probably work. Or maybe you can put vitamin and minerals in water.

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